Giulio Regeni was a scientist like us.
We hope his cruel death may serve to focus our attention on the need to respect human rights.
Giulio Regeni was a scientist like us.
We hope his cruel death may serve to focus our attention on the need to respect human rights.
Created in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards recognize and support eminent women in science throughout the world. Each year, five Laureates are recognized for their contributions to the advancement of science, in Life Sciences or Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science in alternating years.
The 2025 edition of the International Awards will designate five outstanding scientific researchers in the field of Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, working in the following regions:
The ASEF-Asia-Europe Foundation (a Singapore-based foundation linked to the ASEM-Asia Europe meeting) has opened registrations for participation in the Asia-Europe Science & Technology Diplomacy Report (with a deadline for submitting applications on 9 June). The initiative is aimed at young academics, diplomats, professionals and students aged between 18 and 35 from ASEM member countries.
Soroptimist International d'Italia is organising a free training course for young female graduates entitled Futuro al Femminile: Women in Leadership. The course is part of a joint Soroptimist of Italy - Bocconi project and will be organised by the Bocconi University of Milan - SDA Bocconi School of Management.
L’iniziativa “XXIX Giornata della Memoria e dell’Impegno in ricordo delle vittime innocenti delle mafie”, riconosciuta dalla Legge dell’8 marzo 2017, n. 20, promossa dall’Associazione “Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie”.
Applications are now open for the prizes awarded by the Accademia delle Scienze of Turin for the year 2024.
The Universal Civil Service is the voluntary choice to dedicate up to one year of one's life to the service of the country, in a non-armed and non-violent manner, for the education, peace among peoples, and the promotion of the foundational values of the Italian Republic, through actions for communities and the territory. It is open to all young people aged between 18 and 28 years (29 not yet completed), including foreigners who are regular residents in Italy.
SISSA has entered into an agreement with Trenitalia for Business, which entitles all members of the SISSA community (including Professors, Technical and Administrative Staff, SISSA Medialab Staff, Research Grants Holders, Postdocs and PhD Students) to a 10% discount on the purchase of train tickets, both for missions and for personal travel.
To benefit from this discount, you must have a CartaFRECCIA. The discount is applicable to basic, economy and super economy fares on all trains in the Frecce and Intercity categories.
For the 2023/24 Season of I Concerti della Normale, the Scuola Normale Superiore has decided to recognize the application of the reduced rate for the purchase of subscriptions and tickets for students and all categories of academic, research, and administrative staff of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste, GSSI Gran Sasso Science Institute, IMT Alti Studi di Lucca, IUSS Scuola Universitaria Superiore di Pavia, Scuola Superiore Meridionale.
Il Premio Ghislieri viene assegnato annualmente dall’Associazione Alunni del Collegio Ghislieri a un giovane alunno e a un maturo Ghisleriano che si sono distinti nel proprio campo professionale.
Titolo di questa dodicesima edizione è Strutture nascoste.
La cerimonia di conferimento del Premio Ghislieri 2023 si terrà a Pavia, presso l'Aula Magna del Collegio Ghislieri, il 5 ottobre alle ore 17.00.