
On July 22nd, the new Missions Regulation come into effect.

From July 22nd missions can only be opened through the new dedicated CINECA platform "U-Web missioni".

Missions already opened in the previous SISSA application can only be concluded through the same

Additionally, the digital mode for submitting expense receipts is also introduced (except for those related to missions carried out in countries on the black list, which must be submitted with original paper documents).

Only during the initial phase of "U-Web missioni", for all missions ended by 12/31/2024, it is necessary for each user to keep the original paper documentation for a period of 6 months.

The Missions Regulation is published on the SISSA Regulations pages Regulations, on the Scientific Secretariat Office page, and can also be found on SISSA Web Services, under “Missions” by clicking on Rules


Please find the Mission Regulation file at the end of this page

To open/close new a mission visit the new dedicated CINECA platform U-Web missioni

To close a mission opened before July 22nd 2024 visit the old platform




You must fill out the mission request and send it no later than 10 days before the departure date.

The constraint of 10 days is reduced to 2 in the case of missions for conducting experiments on human volonteers and the Director/Secretary General and their delegates

FUNDS to cover the costs of the mission

After calculating the expenses for the mission, if you are a student, other fellow, collaborator or research staff, ask your reference professor which fund or project to indicate to cover the cost of the mission.

If there is no certainty that mission costs will be fully covered by a third party, an estimate of the costs should be included.

How can I open a mission request on project funds?

When opening the mission, select the name of the Scientific Responsible of the project (PI) and, if you know, specify the number or acronym that identifies it in the notes; the selected PI will be contacted automatically and will be able to indicate the project to which the cost of the mission will be charged.


You must provide cost-effectiveness documentation  whenever your trip deviates from the standard trip because you depart from or return to a place different from Trieste (or your workplace if it's not Trieste) or because you depart or return on days different from those strictly necessary for the completion of your activity.

Standard trip: departure/return from/to Trieste (or nearby airports) -or from/to your workplace if it's not Trieste- carried out within the time strictly necessary for the performance of mission activities: arrival the day before the start of the activity and departure the day after, unless the duration of the journey makes it necessary to extend the dates

How can I demonstrate the cost effectiveness?

You demonstrate cost-effectiveness by attaching to the mission opening request a screenshot of a specifically conducted search (for example on Skyscanner or Trenitalia) entering the data useful to certify the cost of the "standard" trip.

Example: I depart from Milan (with justification) to attend a seminar in London on August 25th (the seminar starts on the 26th) and attach the screenshot of flights from Trieste (standard departure location) to London on August 25th. Second example: I depart from Trieste on the 23rd (the seminar still starts on the 25th), I take a screenshot of flights/trains for the 24th (standard departure date). No other screenshots are needed.


If you have to go on a mission to Italy and it is necessary to pay the registration fee for an event, send an e-mail to notify the competent office at least 7 working days before the payment deadline. In this way, the offices can verify whether the Institution that organizes the event issues an electronic invoice and therefore the payment can be made directly by SISSA or not.


Add a destination for each interruption/suspension and resumption of the trip indicating always the same place.

Example: mission to Milan with departure on 1/1, return on 10/1, and suspension on 9/1.

  • Destination 1#Milan with duration from 1/1 to 8/1;
  • Destination 2#Milan on 9/1 (specify the end time – 23:59) by flagging the suspension;
  • Destination 3#Milan on 10/1
MISSION COST CHARGED IN 2 FUNDS - how can I open it?

Open 2 separate mission requests by flagging "co-funded mission" field on each mission. You can create two identical missions through the "Duplicate" button


The one-off contribution of €1,000 can be used for training needs and for the creation of a network of contacts for subsequent placement.

Ask for this contribution in the opening mission form as follows:

  1. If the mission will be paid for the whole amount on the Contribution:
    - Select “mission without expenses”;
    - Write on the “notes” that you want to use the Contribution and the amount you foresee to spend on it;
    - Contact click to show email to receive the form that must be filled with the expenses incurred on the Contribution once the mission is over.
  2. If the mission will be paid by the Contribution+another fund:
    - select the other fund you have to use for the mission (own structure or project fund)
    - select “List of expenses incurred”
    - Write on the “notes” that you want to use the Contribution and the amount you foresee to spend only on it;
    - On “EXPENSES WITH ESTIMATE” list only the expenses foreseen to be paid on the “own structure” or “project fund”.
    - Contact click to show email to receive the form that must be filled with the expenses incurred on the Contribution once the mission is over.

Documents proving the cost of the overnight stay may also include breakfast, half board or full board.

If the cost of breakfast is not included in the overnight stay, you can ask to be reimbursed for it within the limit for food expenses.

TRAVEL TICKETS paid directly by SISSA

If you have to go on a mission - and you are not an external collaborator and you do not intend to use the contribution for PhD students of the third and fourth year for the cost of the trip - you can ask SISSA to book and pay for the trip for an amount greater than € 200.


If you buy a booklet of tickets for the bus/metro or other ordinary means of transport, you will only be refunded the validated tickets unless it is proven that they are cheap compared to the purchase of individual tickets.


If you have been authorized to use your own car at the time of the mission opening, you can request a km allowance which is calculated as 1/5 of the cost of 1 litre of petrol in Italy per km. Alternatively, it is possible to request a refund of the receipts relating to the purchase of petrol if they are cheaper than the mileage reimbursement.

The motorway toll can be refunded upon presentation of the single receipt or Telepass account statement. 
Vignettes from Slovenia, Austria or other countries can be refunded upon presentation of the receipt.


To request permission to use it, please write to: click to show email.
The cost of a full tank of fuel is refundable. Motorway tolls and parking can be refunded upon presentation of the receipt.


You have to expressly justify the use of special means of transport. It must meet, for example, one of the following conditions/criteria:

a) cost-effectiveness (lower cost or the same overall cost demonstrated at the time of the application for authorisation of the mission):
  i) with respect to the use of ordinary means;
  ii) with respect to the overall cost of the mission in terms of savings in accommodation and/or food;

b) proven unavailability of ordinary means;

c) destinations with poor public transport services, or poorly connected in relation to the duration of the journey or the number of public transport to be used;

d) special needs related to health conditions certified by a doctor/health facility; 

e) special hourly requirements related to the activity of the mission;

f) transport of materials and instruments essential for the activity of the mission, which cannot be shipped (also for reasons of economy), nor transported by ordinary means of transport;

g) Night transfers for journeys starting or ending between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.


Examples of Non-Reimbursable Expenses

a) fines and penalties;

b) extra hotel services (e.g. mini bar);

c) luggage storage;

d) credit card fees;

e) airport check-in charges;

f) expenses for additional baggage (in addition to the first in the hold), subject to prior authorization;

g) charges for exceeding the free baggage allowance limits; 

h) expenses for convivial events outside of meals;

i) any other expenditure not strictly related to the mission.


PhD FELLOWSHIP INCREASE - when can I ask for it?

You can ask for an increase in the PhD fellowship if you are a SISSA PhD student going on mission abroad for at least 14 days by explicitly indicating it in the mission opening form.

You can ask for it:

  1. If the mission has only the grant increase request without any eligible expense:
    - Select “Mission without expenses”;
    - Write on the “notes” that you ask for the grant increase;
    - Write to click to show email to start the approval iter on the Area Council.
  2. If the mission has other expenses (travel, visa, insurance):
    - Select the fund you will use for such expenses;
    - Write on the “notes” that you ask for the grant increase;
    - On “expenses with estimate” list the foreseen expenses;
    - Write to click to show email to start the approval iter on the Area Council.

You have to fill out the mission request form for the internship/research period abroad, even if you are the winner of an Erasmus+ fellowship. For further information, please contact the Student Secretariat


The daily fee reimbursed is exempt from taxation up to a limit of 77.47 euros/day; the part exceeding this limit contributes to the formation of taxable income.


You can request, as reimbursement for food expenses only, the payment of a flat rate equal to  the 80% of the amount of competence referred to in Annex A of the Mission Regulations, point 3.ii.

To open a mission with this option:

  • Select the fund to be used for the mission (your own structure or project);
  • Select the type of mission “List of expenses incurred” (Footer);
  • Write in the “notes” that you are requesting the flat rate for meals only and specify the expected amount by calculating it based on what is indicated in Annex A of the Mission Regulations, point 3.ii.

If you go on a mission abroad in areas of geo-political and socio-health risk, in the preparation phase of the trip, you are invited to consult the Guidelines for the safety of missions abroad in areas of geo-political and socio-health risk of the staff of the Universities published by the CRUI and the CUCS (Sicurezza nelle missioni all’estero: le Linee guida - CRUI - Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università italiane) and to refer to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) Viaggiare Sicuri


You must fill in the online mission closure form every time you finish a mission, even if you do not ask for any refund from SISSA

When closing a mission with expenses paid directly by SISSA (e.g. air ticket, "registration fee") it is necessary to include them in the list of expenses.

What dates do I need to enter for the attached documentation?

You must indicate the date of use of the service 
Example: You must enter the date you travelled/flew and not the date you purchased your travel ticket


Scan all the documents needed for the refund; for missions carried out in the countries listed in the black list as defined by the Agenzia delle Entrate and available on the website EU List of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes - Consilium (europa.eu) it is also necessary to give the original paper documents to the offices.

Scan and save analog expense documents in PDF/A, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats and upload the online procedure.

CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE – for students, other scholarship holders, research staff

In case of participation in conferences/schools/workshops/other events, it is necessary to attach at the end of the mission the certificate of attendance or, in the case of scientific collaboration, a declaration of the reference PI on site for the period of the activities or a declaration of the reference PI in SISSA.


If no expenses have been incurred before departure, it will be sufficient to cancel the online mission in order to notify the competent Office of the non-performance.

You will be asked to reimburse any advance paid within 15 days from the date on which the mission should have started (see art. 14 of the Mission Regulation).

In the case of an authorized mission that is not carried out for reasons beyond one's control (see art.18 of the Mission Regulation) expenses incurred and not directly reimbursable by service providers  are reimbursable.


On sabbatical, you can go on mission as long as it is carried out in the interest of SISSA 


If you are an employee of a public/private institution or company explicitly included in the research group of a project managed by SISSA, you can request to go on a mission in the interest of SISSA as part of that research project

Reimbursements of trips made in the interest of SISSA by those who are not explicitly included in a research group of a project managed by SISSA or are not employees of public/private institutions or companies (e.g. retired staff, awaiting employment, etc.), are processed through the guest registration system (GRS).

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP - functional to the mission

If you have to pay an annual membership fee functional to the mission (e.g. to get a discount on the cost of the registration fee to a conference), write a e-mail addressed to both click to show email and click to show email or click to show email or click to show email depending on your Area of affiliation.



The following individuals may be authorised, in the interest of the SISSA, to participate in events in the Municipality of Trieste and request direct payment/reimbursement of the related registration fee:

a. professors and researchers with permanent or temporary work contracts at SISSA;

b. managers and administrative-technical staff with a temporary or permanent work contracts at SISSA;

c. SISSA PhD students, holders of research assignments (assegni di ricerca) or other fellowship awarded by SISSA;

d. holders of employment contracts stipulated with the School, who are required to carry out activities in the interest of SISSA - which are not already remunerated by the contract;

e. students enrolled in the specialization courses / Masters of the School;

f. trainees within the limits of the agreements stipulated between the School and other public administrations or private bodies and companies;

g. employees of other Universities, Public Administrations, private bodies or companies and who are part of externally funded projects managed by SISSA or who are eligible by means of agreements between SISSA and the above public/private bodies and companies;

Procedure to follow

1. Within 10 days of the deadline for the payment of the registration fee: if you are going to register for the event send an email to click to show email  cc the scientific Responsible of the fund/project to which the cost will be charged and the Coordinator of the Area of affiliation. In the email subject line, write "Registration fee – event title, date". In the text, write the name, the location of the event, the link to the web page dedicated to registration fees and the indication of the fund/project to which the cost will be charged;

2. the Scientific Secretariat will check the availability of funds -with a request to Project Management Office if they are project funds-and send the result to all interested parties;

3. If the availability is there, the Fund/Project Manager and the Area Coordinator respond by authorizing

4. the Scientific Secretariat will request the necessary data to the organizing body of the event with the Accounting Office in copy;

5. Logging of the data of the Organizing Body in Titulus

6. the Accounting Office prepare the direct payment order 

7. the Scientific Secretariats sends the payment order to the organizing body of the event (keeping the participant and the Accounting Office in copy)

8. At the end of the event you give to the Scientific Secretariat the certificate of participation and the invoice/debit note to be reimbursed in case you have paid by yourself

9. The Scientific Secretariat draw up the liquidation letter and give it to the Accounting Office for reimbursement by bank transfer  if you have paid yourself. Otherwise they send the certificate to the Accounting Office to complete the file.


Mission Regulation (520.37 KB)