Area Science Park, CNR-Istituto Officina dei Materiali and SISSA organize the first edition of the Master in Data Management and Curation (MDMC).
In the digital and data-driven paradigm promoted by Open Science, data is at the core of the scientific process and its production grows at ever-increasing rates. The skills and knowledge of Scientific Data Management and Curation are nowadays essential to ensure responsible and reproducible research in the framework of the possibilities offered by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
Having EOSC compliant Research Infrastructures and FAIR-by-design Research Data Management is among the objectives of the two supporting projects:
- NFFA-DI (Nano Foundries and Fine Analysis Digital Infrastructure)
- PRP@CERIC (Pathogen Readiness Platform for CERIC-ERIC Upgrade)
funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (“PNRR”) within “Missione 4, Istruzione e Ricerca - Componente 2, Dalla ricerca all’impresa - Linea di investimento 3.1, Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione”, with funds from the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
This first edition consists of a pilot course with a limited number of participants, who will be identified by the various Operating Units of the supporting projects, and serve as a pilot for a proper professional Master in Data Management and Curation (MDMC).
For further information, please send and email to MDMC.
To pursue the project training objectives, the pilot course in Data Management and Curation is designed aiming at the following results:
to make young researchers fully aware of the advantages of using a FAIR approach to Research Infrastructures as a unique resource for their research and scientific career, looking forward to growing a new class of professionals for the upcoming scientific challenges;
to strengthen the staff competencies of each Operating Unit of the PNRR supporting projects to operate the new upgraded instrumentation according to FAIR principles, to be part of the FAIR-data system, and to become compliant with EOSC.
Learning goals:
At the end of the course, each participant will have acquired the skills and competencies to operate with:
- Open Science principles and methodologies, within the context of Horizon Europe Framework programme and EOSC;
- FAIR principles: data FAIR-by-design approach and FAIRification of data processes;
- Tools and software for data acquisition and metadata enrichment;
- Tools and methods for preliminary data and metadata analysis.
The tangible results, obtained step-by-step, are a set of FAIR-by-design data acquisition procedures and automatic software methods for metadata enrichment.
The structure of the course and the details of the Scientific Programme are available here.
The first six weeks of intensive lessons will be held in person in Trieste:
- September 16th: Conference Hall, Building C, Area Science Park, Campus Padriciano
- September 17th - 20th: Room 005, SISSA, Campus Bonomea
- September 23rd - 27th: Room 128, SISSA, Campus Bonomea
- September 30th - October 4th: Room D, SISSA, Campus Beirut
- October 7th - 25th: Auditorium, Building C, Area Science Park, Campus Padriciano
- October 28th - 30th: Conference Hall, Building C, Area Science Park, Campus Padriciano
Below is the detailed calendar:
The course is addressed to the following participants:
- Students that hold at least a bachelor's degree (“Laurea Triennale” or equivalent);
- Students still enrolled in a university master’s course (“laurea magistrale” or equivalent), in science, engineering, or informatics;
- Participants in the supporting PNRR projects (researchers, technologists, PhD students, research fellows);
- Other personnel who will participate only (or partially) in the intensive lessons of the first 6 weeks.
Participants belonging to profiles 1) and 2) will receive a lump sum reimbursement of 15.000 EUR for participating in the whole 9 months course;
The participants with profiles 3) and 4) will be designated by their respective Operating Units based on their operational needs.
Certificate of attendance
Reimbursed and staff participants 1), 2), and 3) that will attend at least 70% of all the training modules and will discuss a FAIR-by-design thesis project will receive a certificate of attendance of the whole course with a statement of the topics covered and the acquired skills.
Other participants (4) will receive a certificate of attendance with a statement of the topics covered and skills acquired in the attended training modules (for at least 70% of their duration).
Practical information about staying in Trieste can be found at the Welcome Office FVG.
Lectures will be held on the SISSA and AREA SCIENCE PARK campuses:
- AREA SCIENCE PARK campus Padriciano (Località Padriciano 99, 34149 Trieste) - Conference Hall, Entrance from Building C, reachable by bus number 51 or 51/ from the Central Train Station
- AREA SCIENCE PARK campus Padriciano (Località Padriciano 99, 34149 Trieste) - Auditorium, Entrance from Building C,
reachable by bus number 51 or 51/ from the Central Train Station - SISSA campus Bonomea (Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste) - Room 005, Main Building, reachable by bus number 38 from Oberdan Square
- SISSA campus Beirut (Via Beirut 2, 34014 Trieste) - Room D, reachable by bus number 6 or 36 from the Central Train Station
All the information about public transport in Trieste can be found at Homepage | Trieste Trasporti.