Press Review

Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
St. Marys Daily Press

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
Benton Courier

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
Benton Courier

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Appoints Monica Gostissa as CSO and Reno Winter as CTO
First World Pharma

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
Pharmaceutical daily

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
Yahoo! Finance

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Diversità nella scienza, parità di genere a Scienza e virgola
Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
The Valdosta Daily Times

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
Maryville Forum

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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Egle Therapeutics Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer
The Community Post

Egle Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on advancing the next generation of regulatory T cell-focused therapies for oncology and auto-immunity, announced today the appointment of Monica Gostissa, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer and Reno Winter, PhD, as Chief Technical Officer. [...] Dr. Gostissa obtained her PhD in molecular genetics from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

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L'intelligenza artificiale parla anche il reatino: «Non dobbiamo aver paura, può essere una grande opportunità»

L'intelligenza artificiale parla anche reatino. [...] dieci anni fa, in tempi ancora non sospetti c'era già chi, come Alessandro Acciai, aveva scelto di dedicare la propria vita allo studio delle architetture che emulano le reti neurali umane. [...] Trentasei anni e un curriculum che, dalla facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Roma Tre lo ha spinto verso la laurea magistrale in Scienze cognitive, fino alla Scuola internazionale superiore di studi avanzati di Trieste e alla Scuola di specializzazione del Cnr di Roma.

Leggi l'articolo qui.

«Non dobbiamo aver paura dell'intelligenza artificiale»
Il Messaggero

L'intelligenza artificiale parla anche reatino. [...] dieci anni fa, in tempi ancora non sospetti c'era già chi, come Alessandro Acciai, aveva scelto di dedicare la propria vita allo studio delle architetture che emulano le reti neurali umane. [...] Trentasei anni e un curriculum che, dalla facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Roma Tre lo ha spinto verso la laurea magistrale in Scienze cognitive, fino alla Scuola internazionale superiore di studi avanzati di Trieste e alla Scuola di specializzazione del Cnr di Roma.

In edicola.

Arte e scienza al servizio della zona umida Schiavetti
Il Piccolo (ed. Gorizia)

Si sono da poco conclusi tre workshop che hanno visto protagonisti gli allievi e le allieve di alcune classi dell'Isis Brignoli Einaudi Marconi di Staranzano e Gradisca, coadiuvati dai docenti, che hanno lavorato assieme a scienziati, videomaker, artisti, ricercatori e comunicatori scientifici, esplorando una zona affascinante e ancora poco conosciuta: il biotopo Schiavetti. [...] Curatore dei progetti Francesco Scarel, ricercatore, divulgatore e docente di comunicazione scientifica al Master della Sissa.

In edicola.

Facing Harvard inhospitality, academic delegation seeks to expand dialogue on Israel
The Jerusalem Post

Facing an inhospitable environment with antisemitism and discrimination on campus, Harvard University academics have sought to engage in dialogue and discourse in Israel by joining a delegation of professors from six universities last Sunday. [...]  Together they worked with Israel Destination to organize a delegation of 31 academics from Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, the Italian International School for Advanced Studies, and the University Kore of Enna.

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Facing Harvard inhospitality, academic delegation seeks to expand dialogue on Israel
Bharat Times

Facing an inhospitable environment with antisemitism and discrimination on campus, Harvard University academics have sought to engage in dialogue and discourse in Israel by joining a delegation of professors from six universities last Sunday. [...]  Together they worked with Israel Destination to organize a delegation of 31 academics from Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, the Italian International School for Advanced Studies, and the University Kore of Enna.

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E' arrivato in tutte le librerie: "Savona, la Riviera e l'entroterra", l'ultimo libro di Ilaria Caprioglio e Doriana Rodino
104 News

E' in tutte le librerie e negli store online la guida Savona, la Riviera e l'entroterra di Ilaria Caprioglio e Doriana Rodino. [...] Doriana Rodino dal 2018 al 2021 è stata assessore a Cultura, Musei, Promozione turistica, Campus universitario, Politiche giovanili e Pari Opportunità per il Comune di Savona. Editor e docente per Alpha Test, è dottore di ricerca in Biologia e si è specializzata in Comunicazione della Scienza alla SISSA di Trieste. 

Leggi l'articolo qui.

Alla scuola "Manzini" di San Daniele si parla di neuroscienze
Studio Nord News

Prosegue martedì 26 marzo la prima edizione di "Dopo la campanella - serate culturali al Manzini" [...]. La terza serata sarà all'insegna delle neuroscienze, con la professoressa Federica Marcuzzi [...]. Federica Marcuzzi, dopo la maturità scientifica, si laurea in biotecnologie all'università di Udine. Inizialmente appassionata di genetica, durante la laurea specialistica si innamora della neurobiologia e decide di iscriversi alla Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) di Trieste.

Leggi l'articolo qui.