The Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) has awarded the 2023 prizes for the best doctoral theses
Among this year's winners, Sara Murciano, who completed her doctorate in the Statistical Physics group at SISSA in Trieste, received the prestigious "Sergio Fubini" prize for her thesis entitled "Entanglement and symmetries in many-body quantum systems."
“Every day, different forms of symmetry catch our eye, from when we look in the mirror to when we pick a flower. Symmetries also hold a special place in every branch of physics and have indeed driven my research during my PhD, where I explored their effects on many-body quantum systems. By analyzing these symmetries, we gain access to the fine structure of entanglement in various contexts, from theoretical models to modern experimental systems." explains Sara Murciano, who is now pursuing a postdoc at Caltech, the prestigious californian university.
“I wouldn't have received this prize without my supervisor, Pasquale Calabrese, whom I thank wholeheartedly for his teachings and continuous support, and my collaborators, with whom I managed to work despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.” she adds.
In addition to Sara Murciano, the prize was also awarded to Luca Caloni from the University of Ferrara for his thesis "Charting new physics territories with cosmological observations" and Ludovico Vittorio from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa for his thesis "The D(M)M perspective on Flavour Physics."
The Sergio Fubini prize was established by INFN to honor the theoretical physicist Sergio Fubini (1928-2005), whose profound insights led to significant developments in field theory and string theory.