The National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) unveiled the winners of 2021 prizes for PhD students and one former SISSA PhD student won the "Sergio Fubini" Prize for the best doctoral theses in theoretical physics discussed in 2019. Paola Ruggiero won the prize for her thesis entitled "Entanglement and correlations in one-dimensional quantum many body systems". After completing her work in the Statistical Physics group, Paola now has a post doc position at the University of Geneva.
This is the second year in a row in which a student of the SISSA group of Statistical Physics is awarded the Fubini prize: in 2018 it was the turn of Lorenzo Piroli.
The Fubini Prize was established in 2005 to commemorate the figure of the theoretical physicist from Turin Sergio Fubini (1928-2005) whose deep insights led to important developments in field theory and string theory.