Aggiornamenti policy SISSA sul Coronavirus - 16 Novembre - Friuli Venezia Giulia diventa zona arancione

Introdotto un nuovo sistema di registrazione online degli accessi in SISSA

Since Sunday, November 15, Friuli Venezia Giulia has become part of the "orange zone", that is at medium high risk level, with some further restrictions.
In addition to the movement restrictions already present from 22 to 5 am, it is also noted that:
- it is allowed to move within the municipality, without self-certification, from 5 to 22, without special requirements
- any movement into or out of the region or municipality, is prohibited, except in the case of proven work necessity, health reasons or other urgencies. Self-certification must be exhibited to prove the "work, study or health needs" or the need to "perform activities or take advantage of services not available in their municipality" when you move to other municipalities or towards other regions.
- Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlours, pastry shops, are closed excluding canteens and catering. Only take-away and home delivery is allowed.

The form for self-certification, in Italian, is available at this link:
Taking into account the introduction of the new enforcement and containment measures relating the the orange zone, access to the School will continue to be limited until 3 December, unless otherwise indicated by the Task Force, which will continue to meet regularly.

Access to SISSA will be granted for the conduct of experimental research as well as for essential technical and administrative functions. Individual research activities are permitted, in case of need and without need of pre-authorization, including the activities of fourth year doctoral students who have received an extension, in any case strongly limiting the frequency and the lenght of accesses to the School.
Teaching will continue to be exclusively online. Only individual meetings between PI and students are allowed, if necessary, following all the necessary precautions, in aerated places, maintaining personal protection devices at all time and physical distancing. Meetings or other in persons gatherings are not allowed, as per DPCM.

The library's loan service will be available according to the existing protocol, but it will not be possible to access the premises.

During the last task force meeting the procedures for contact tracing of suspected cases of Covid-19 at SISSA, which are available at this link:

ITCS has set up a new application aimed at digitizing attendance registers; this will eliminate the paper registers at the entrance in via Bonomea and also make the management of emergency procedures more efficient and effective.
The application can be accessed with normal SISSA users and passwords via the link:

To this end, it should be noted that:

1) from Tuesday 17/11 the digital web register will replace the paper registers, which will remain only for guests and for those who are not equipped with a device able to allow access via web procedure;
2) it is essential to remember to record your entry and exit at the School;
3) multiple inputs and outputs can be made in one day; the output recording is required only when leaving the via Bonomea complex
4) Yechnical and administrative staff, in any case, have the obligation to register also through the usual attendance system, as the new online system is used only for covid-related emergency purposes;

Confident of your valuable cooperation,

Stefano Ruffo and Gabriele Rizzetto