Technical-Administrative Staff Council

The Technical-Administrative Staff Council gathers to address issues concerning the organization of labor and occupational wellbeing.

The Council is composed of the Director, who presides over it, by the Secretary General, by a professor appointed by the Academic Senate based on the Director's proposal and by three members of the technical-administrative staff employed by the School with an open-ended contract, elected by the technical-administrative staff employed by the School with an open-ended or fixed-term contract.

The members of the Council for the two year period 2020-2022 are the following:

The Director-as President

The Secretary General

Prof. Ugo Bruzzo- professor nominated by the Academic Senate

Dott.ssa Vera Breda- representative of technical administrative staff

Dott. Marco Gigante- representative of technical administrative staff

Dott.ssa Annalisa Sulli- representative of technical administrative staff