The traditional Boltzmann Lecture will be held on Thursday, February 20th at 14:00, and will feature Sathya Majumdar (CNRS, Orsay) with a seminar titled "Stochastic Resetting". ...
A special colloquium with prof. Bassem Hassan (Paris Brain Institute, ICM) is scheduled for Thursday, 9 May 2024 - from 15:00 to 16:00 in Aula Magna Budinich, SISSA....
The synergy between perturbative methods and machine learning techniques in Celestial Mechanics - Alessandra Celletti - Università di Roma Tor Vergata...
Professor Tommaso Calarco, who leads the Integrated Quantum Science and Technology centre at the Ulm and Stuttgart University in Germany, will talk about quantum technologies and their ...
Giornata dedicata a 500 studenti degli ultimi due anni delle scuole superiori, che visiteranno la Sissa per conoscerne più da vicino le attività.
Every year at the International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA, in Trieste, the Sciama Memorial Lecture takes place, a conference dedicated to the memory of the great theoretical astrophysicist, D...