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The researchers of the Mathematics Area work in geometry (algebraic, differential and noncommutative geometry, also with applications to quantum field and string theory), in mathematical analysis (calculus of variations, control theory, partial and ordinary differential equations), in mathematical modelling (mechanics of solids and fluids, complex and biological systems, multiscale analysis), in mathematical physics (classical and quantum integrable systems and their applications), and in numerical analysis, scientific computing (applied to partial differential equations as well as data) and automatic learning.
Mathematics area has been awarded with "Excellence Department” funds in the editions 2018-2022 and 2023-2027 (https://www.anvur.it/attivita/dipartimenti/).
The Mathematics Area is involved in the activities of two laboratories:
- SISSA MathLab: a laboratory for mathematical modeling and scientific computing with several industrial collaborations with national and international companies
- SAMBA: a laboratory in collaboration with the Cognitive Neuroscience Group
Moreover, the Mathematics Area, together with the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste, jointly runs an MSc course in Mathematics (Laurea Magistrale in Mathematics). Mathematics Area is also involved in the master degree in Data Science and Scientific Computing with University of Trieste and Udine and ICTP (link: https://dssc.units.it/) and in the master in High Performance Computing with ICTP (link: https://www.mhpc.it/).
Mathematics Area is part of the Spoke 9 of iNEST (interconnected Innovation Ecosystem of North-East of Italy) in the framework of PNRR: https://www.consorzioinest.it/
SISSA mathLab is involved also in the activities of a Live Demo on Industrial Digital Twin (Odyssea) powered by SMACT (https://www.smact.cc/), as well as a SISSA start-up: FAST Computing (https://www.fastcomputing.net/)
A SIAM student chapter is also active since 2015 (link: https://www.math.sissa.it/content/sissa-siam-student-chapter).
Coordinator: Antonio Lerario
Committee (Giunta):
Prof. Massimiliano Berti (Phd coordinator in Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications)
Prof. Marcello Porta (Phd coordinator in Geometry and Mathematical Physics)
Prof. Nicola Gigli (Responsible of Mathematical Analysis research group)
Prof. Alessandro Tanzini (Responsible of Geometry and Mathematical Physics research group)
Prof. Gianluigi Rozza (Responsible of SISSA mathLab research group)
Dott. Laura Meneghetti (Research body representative)
Secretariat: https://www.sissa.it/scientific-secretariat