
The Accreditation process

The Self-assessment, Periodic evaluation and Accreditation (AVA) system, based on the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), aims to improve the quality of teaching, research and innovation (so called “third mission”) activities carried out in universities and higher education schools through the application of a Quality Assurance system. The QA system consists of internal procedures of planning, management, self-assessment and improvement of training and scientific activities as well as of an external evaluation carried out in a transparent manner. After this process is concluded the Accreditation judgement is given (initial Accreditation or periodic Accreditation), by which it is certified that the University/higher education School is in possession of the Quality Requirements to operate.

In accordance with D. Lgs. no. 19/2012, D.M. no. 439/2013 and the Guidelines issued by ANVUR, the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), with a letter dated 08.05.2019, launched the initial accreditation process for the higher education Schools. The first phase of the process consisted in the submission of the relative documentation on a dedicated portal (SUA_Scuole) in order to verify remotely the requirements for initial accreditation. The documents were then examined by the Commission of Experts for the Evaluation of Schools (CEVS) appointed by ANVUR. The second phase of the process consisted of the on-site visit of the CEVS that took place on 2, 3 and 4 December 2019. During the visit, the Commission verified the accuracy of the information previously submitted.

The process ended with the Decree of the Ministry no. 439/2020 which granted the initial accreditation to the School.

Visit the page dedicated to the initial accreditation of SISSA