International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC)
As foreseen by art. 11 of the Statute, SISSA has an advisory/evaluation/strategic body, the International Scientific Advisory Committee - ISAC, with the purpose of analysing the progress and development of the School’s scientific activity in relation to the development of international. It meets every three years and draws up a written report making recommendations for the future.
The members of the Committee for the three year period 2020-2023 are the following:
prof.ssa Julia Yeomans – The Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theorethical Physics, Oxford, UK
prof. Eiichiro Komatsu- Director of the Departement of Physical Cosmology, Max- Planck Institute fur Astrophysik, Germany
prof. Michelangelo Mangano- TH Department CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
prof. Felix Otto- Full professor Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MIS), Leipzig, Germany
prof. David Morrison- Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara
prof .Shimon Marom-Professor of Physiology and the Pearl Seiden Chair in Sciences, Department of Physiology & Biophysics Faculty of Medicine and the Network Biology Laboratory Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering Fishbach Bldg., Technion Haifa (Israel)
prof. Patrick Haggard – Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience & Dept. Psychology- University College London
prof. Roberto Car- Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Princeton University.