Public selection for International students for the provision of a fellowship “Percorso Formativo Comune del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Matematica” (Master of Science in Mathematics) in collaboration with the University of Trieste

21/01/2021 - 13:00  
to 20/04/2021 - 13:00
Submission Deadlines for Applications:
20/04/2021 - 13:00


Applicants must have a bachelor degree, or an equivalent title, which should qualify them to be enrolled in the MSc program, by 31.12.2021.

How to apply:

Applications, together with all the required documents, must be submitted though this online procedure, by 20.04.2021 - 13.00 hrs. (Italian time).


The selection will be based on academic and scientific qualifications only. The results will be published on this page by the end of May.

Laurea Magistrale
Procedure type
Selezione pubblica per titoli ed esami