
The research team, formed by Cristian Micheletti and Francesco Slongo of SISSA in Trieste, Philipp Hauke of the University of Trento, and Pietro Faccioli of the University of Milano-Bicocca, used a mathematical approach called QUBO...

The opening ceremony will be held in the Aula Magna and will be an opportunity to give a warm welcome to the School's new students...

The event will take place at the Trieste Convention Center on November 8 and 9, 2023, and will feature two days of plenary conferences, parallel sessions, exhibition spaces, and networking opportunities, all aimed at exploring the state of the art and trends in the sector, aimed at both students and professionals.

Aindo, a startup originating from SISSA, which has developed and patented synthetic data generation technology, announces an investment round of €6 million led by United Ventures.

A dialogue between scientists Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Licia Verde and Domenica Bueti on gender issues in the study of the Universe...

On October 17th at 5:30 PM, at the Antico Caffè San Marco, a seminar titled "The Metamorphoses of Nothing" will take place, featuring Professor Claudio Bartocci...

JOIN - JOb INspirations is a series of events organised by the SISSA Valorisation & Innovation Office. The aim of JOIN is to inspire your professional future through the experiences of SISSA Alumni. 

Find out what opportunities await for you after your PhD journey! Register here by the 18th of October 2023 at noon.

20th October 2023 – 10.00 am

SISSA - Big Meeting Room (7th floor)


From climate change to artificial intelligence, from policy to innovation, from public engagement to emergencies, but also participation, social impact, quality, new media and much more. These are some of the challenges ...

The traditional Sciama SISSA Colloquium returns October 18, at 5 p.m. in room 128-129, with a seminar by Jocelyn Bell Burnell, titled "The story of pulsars: then and now".

A new SISSA and IIT study reveals unexpected functionality of LINE transposons, paving new paths in the search for cures for neurodevelopmental and ageing disorders...

Giorgio Napolitano loved art and culture. SISSA community was able to appreciate the breadth of his interests when, on 13 July 2010, he inaugurated the new headquarters in via Bonomea...

The next SISSA Colloquium is scheduled for October 3rd at 16:00 in room 128-129 and will feature a lecture by Alexei Verkhratsky, from the University of Manchester, titled "Astroglia in ageing and neurodegeneration."

The European Researchers' Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission that involves thousands of researchers, researchers and institutions in all European countries every year...

Simonović, together with his colleagues Mikhail Ivanov and Oliver Philcox, was honoured for his contributions to understanding the large-scale structure of the Universe and developing new tools to explore the existence of a new fundamental physics based on galaxy surveys...

At the Festival della Filosofia in Modena, Carpi and Sassuolo, the show "Parl-IA-moci" makes its national debut. A theatrical-scientific experiment conceived by Diana Höbel with the collaboration of SISSA...

A conversation with Giuseppe Mussardo about the famous scientist will take place at the Ubik bookstore in Trieste on 15 September, 6 pm. The event is part of the series of seminars organized by SISSA Interdisciplinary Laboratory...

The presentation event will take place on Friday 15 September in Florence and online. All components of SISSA's Neuroscience Area participate in the programme...

PhD student Carlo Vanoni, who studies Statistical Physics at SISSA, has won the "Augusto Righi" Prize awarded by the Italian Physical Society. The award ceremony will take place on Monday 11 September...

300 scientists, scholars, and great personalities from Italy and around the world, a hundred events, a third of which will be held in English, a new literary prize, 'Science Book of the Year', dedicated to the masters of science communication...

The 5-day conference of the "Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation" aims at discussing aspects of Classical and Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, Gravitational Waves...