Women in academia: is gender parity really around the corner?

A seminar by Marcella Corsi of Sapienza University
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Both women and men are working in research organi­sations and higher education institutions, and they take up distinct roles, such as conducting research, teaching, managing staff and structures, or implementing proce­dures. At the same time, research and higher education institutions also work for people. While higher education institutions contribute to training future female and male professionals, research organisations investigate a diverse spectrum of topics that affect the lives of women and men. On 20 May, Marcella Corsi, Professor of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, will show that several mechanisms tend to (re-)produce gender inequalities in research institutions, from the masculine image of science to the stereotypical subject choices of students, and how recognising and taking into account sex and gender differences is paramount in scien­tific knowledge creation. The seminar entitled "Women in academia: is gender parity really around the corner?" will take place between 2.30 and 4.30 pm at SISSA in room 128.

For more details and some numbers on gender equality in academia, please visit:
PLOTINA, Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training
GEAR, Gender Equality in Academia and Research
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