An ex aequo prize was unanimously awarded to Gaetan Borot (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics) and Alexandr Buryak (National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow). The two promising researchers won the Dubrovin medal, established by SISSA in memory of the great mathematician Boris Anatolievich Dubrovin, who was a professor at the School from 1993 until 2019 when he passed away.
"I had the opportunity to get to know Professor Dubrovin better in the last years of his life and I appreciated the great human qualities in addition to his absolute stature as a scientist" SISSA Director Stefano Ruffo says. “He was a true master in his field and there are a dozen scientists who were trained in research under his guidance. The medal recognizes excellent results by young researchers who have already made outstanding contributions to the fields of mathematical physics and geometry and is awarded every two years starting from 2020. The two winners will receive a medal and a cash prize courtesy of Ernesto Illy Foundation and SISSA Medialab, who we would like to thank very much for their contribution”.
The Boris Dubrovin medal is awarded by SISSA with the support of the Moscow Mathematical Society, the “Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica” (GNFM) and the “Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e le loro Applicazioni” (GNSAGA), which are part of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM).
Gaetan Borot has been awarded in recognition of his numerous and wide-ranging contributions to the theory of topological recursion leading to the proof of the Bouchard-Marino conjecture and to several applications to geometry and mathematical physics in the area of integrable systems.
Alexandr Buryak received the medal in recognition of his results in the proof of the polynomiality of the Dubrovin–Zhang hierarchy in relation with the double ramification hierarchy, in the analysis of the double-ramification cycles and his contributions to the theory of moduli spaces of open Riemann surfaces.