Upcoming events organized at SISSA or boosted by the SISSA Astrophysics and Cosmology group:
Past events organized at SISSA or boosted by the SISSA Astrophysics and Cosmology group:
Probing the spacetime fabric: from concepts to phenomenology
The conference is aimed at combining different perspectives on how to test the fundamental structure of spacetime. More specifically, while the core of the conference will focus on quantum gravity models and their possible phenomenological tests, we shall also explore methodological and conceptual aspects of this endeavor by having two dedicated sessions involving also philosophers of science. This mix will be facilitated by applying a novel structure to the talks: there will be 3-5 talks grouped under a general theme, followed by an open debate on the main issues related to it.
The conference will be mainly sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation grant: Probing the spacetime fabric.
DSU 2013 - The Turning Point?
Observations imply that about 95% of the Universe's energy lies in a "dark sector".
In front of a 5% of the energy of the Universe made by ordinary matter
there is a misterious sector comprised of dark matter, a form of non-luminous matter of unknown
composition, and of dark energy, a sort of an antigravity field whose origin and composition is
also unknown.
The aim of the meeting is to bring together experts from all around the world to discuss, at
a momentous time, the latest advances in the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental
aspects of the issue and to draw a new Cosmology/Elementary Particles paradigm able
to overcome the present and incoming observational challenges.
Young Researcher Meeting 2013 - Trieste
The Young Researcher Meeting, born in Rome in 2009, is a conference
devoted to the discussion and the interchange of new developments and
ideas in Physics. The meeting is primarily aimed at graduate students
and postdocs, who are encouraged to present their work in an informal
atmosphere. The main purpose is to create an international network of
young researchers, both experimentalists and theorists, and fruitful
collaborations across the different branches of Physics.
Interacting Galaxies and Binary Quasars: A Cosmic Rendezvous
Interacting galaxies are among the most spectacular events in the cosmos.
They affect morphology and may funnel gas into the central regions, thereby triggering
star formation and nuclear activity. Likewise, the discovery of binary
quasars has accelerated to unprecedented levels in the last few years.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together observers and theorists working
on either interacting galaxies or binary quasars.
Gravity as Thermodynamics: towards the microscopic origin of geometry
The focus of the workshop is the thermodynamical properties and possible
nature of spacetime and the idea that spacetime geometry could be ultimately
understood as a thermodynamical variable describing the collective behavior
of quantum spacetime degrees of freedom.
IDEALS - Investigating Dark Energy At Large Scale
IDEALS is an informal workshop intended to
address relevant topics in present cosmology,
related to the concept of Dark Energy and its impact
on large scale cosmology. We will discuss our understanding
of Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, both as a theoretical
challenge and in view of the next generation of experiments
devoted to this topic.
Dark Matter Awareness Week
Dark Matter Awareness Week is envisaged
as a worldwide effort for disseminating specific
information about one of the most pressing problems
and elusive aspects of astrophysics, high-energy physics,
cosmology and relativity.
PACT - Particles, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Trieste
In the coming decade, particle physicists, astrophysicists
and cosmologists will collect a large amount of important new
data which will shed light on the big questions of the nature of
matter, dark matter and the structure of the Universe, generally
contributing to a deeper understanding of nature and the Universe as a whole.
The PACT initiative is conceived to be the common
forum for these physicists to meet regularly, share results and collaborate.