Three evenings of science in local pubs

Pint of Science is back from 13 to 15 May
Pint of Science

Pint of Science is back, for fans of science and beer, and not only. With its ninth edition in Italy, the seventh for the city of Trieste, the event will bring the latest scientific topics to pubs. 

Three evenings, from Monday 13 to Wednesday 15 May, starting at 7.30 p.m., in which different topics will be discussed: from physics, chemistry and astronomy for the theme Atoms to Galaxies, to earth science, evolution and zoology for Planet Earth, from technology for Tech Me Out to psychology, neuroscience, human biology and social sciences for the themes Beautiful Mind, Our Body and Social Sciences. 

The Italian edition is organised thanks to the support of INFN - National Institute of Nuclear Physics, INAF - National Institute of Astrophysics, NBFC - National Centre for Biodiversity, OGS - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics and NQSTI - National Quantum Science and Technology Institute.

In Trieste, themes will cover artificial intelligence, artificial skins, sound and electromagnetic waves, isolated territories for research, among others. The five pubs of this edition will be the Meeting Point, the Old London, the Waikiki, The Old Boys and El Bufo. The full programme is available here. All events will be held in Italian.

Among the scheduled events, four starring SISSA, which this year supports the local edition:

Monday 13 May, 19.30
El Bufo, via Malcanton 4
My mother was a tailor: una storia di merletti – Beautiful mind
Laura Celotto
             -> Replaced with "Hai visto Rosa l'altra sera? Era Aurora" by Giulia Iafrate (INAF)

The Old Boys, via Carpison 14
Perché esiste la biodiversità? - From Atom to Galaxies 
Sofia Moschin 

Tuesday 14 May, 19.30
Waikiki, via Rossetti 3
Navigare tra i Numeri: Matematica Applicata per un Design Navale Innovativo - Tech me Out
Anna Ivagnes

Wednesday 15 May, 19.30
El Bufo, via Malcanton 4
Pelli Ricostruite e terapie contro le malattie della pelle - Our Body 
Francesco Diversi