42 faculty members, 41 postdocs, 20 researchers, 131 PhD students, and infinite interacting possibilities!

Teaching Offer
Scientific Secretariat

Coordinator: Pasquale Calabrese

Vicecoordinator: Cristian Micheletti

Faculty Senate Representatives:

Alessandro Silva

Matteo Viel

Admin. Board of Directors representatives:

Annalisa Celotti

Sergio Cecotti

Ph.D. Course Coordinators:

Francesco Benini (TPP)

Carlo Baccigalupi (APC)

Cristian Micheletti (SBP)

Gesualdo Delfino (SP)

Giuseppe Santoro (CM)

Enrico Barausse (APP)

Roberto Trotta (DS)

PostDocs  Representative:  Olivier Languin-Cattoën (SBP)

Students' Representatives:

Emma Dreas (APC)

Cecilia Olivieri (APP)

Pieter van der Hoek (SBP)

Giacomo Bracci Testasecca (SP)

Ivan Pasqua (CM)

Alessio Giorlandino (TPP)

Research Committee: Giovanni Bussi (SBP)

Xhek Turkeshi 2021 Marcello Dalmonte Entanglement, correlations and data-structure in many-body quantum systems Postdoc at JEIP CNRS, Paris, France sp
Giuseppe Di Giulio 2021 Erik Tonni Circuit complexity and entanglement in many-body quantum systems Postdoc at University of Würzburg, Germany sp
Vanja Maric 2021 Fabio Franchini Topologically Frustrated Quantum Spin Chains Postdoc at Paris-Saclay University in the lab LPTMS (Orsay, France) sp
Riccarda Bonsignori 2021 Pasquale Calabrese Symmetry Resolution of Entanglement Measures in Free Fermionic Systems and Conformal Field Theories Postdoc at Ruder Boskovič Institute of Zagreb, Croatia sp
Lara Pantoni 2021 A. Lapi, M. Massardi High-redshift Dusty Star Forming Galaxies: a panchromatic approach to constrain massive galaxy evolution CEA Saclay, France ap
Lumen Boco 2021 A. Lapi, C. Baccigalupi Gravitational waves throughout galaxy evolution: stellar BH mergers and heavy SMBH seeds SISSA Trieste, Italy ap
Gauri Sharma 2021 P. Salucci Nature of Dark Matter from Astrophysics of High Redshift Star-forming Galaxies N/A ap
Samuele Campitiello 2021 A. Celotti, G. Ghisellini Relativistic accretion disk models for Active Galactic Nuclei: mass and spin of Supermassive black holes N/A ap
Hasti Khoraminezhad 2021 C. Baccigalupi, M. Viel New avenues for investigating the Large-Scale Structure of our Universe Univ. Missouri, USA ap
Alexandru Dima 2021 E. Barausse Testing the gravitational phenomenology of compact objects: superradiance, scalarization and screening mechanisms postdoc at Urbana Champaign Univ. (United States) app
Pavel Novichkov 2021 S. Petcov Aspects of the Modular Symmetry Approach to Lepton Flavour postdoc at CEA - Saclay (France) app
Vicharit Yingcharoen 2021 P. Creminelli Beyond Perturbation Theory in Cosmology postdoc at Kavli IPMU Tokyo (Japan) app
Jan Tristram Acuna 2021 P. Ullio Complementary probes of the nature of dark matter postdoc at Nanjing Normal Univ (China) app
Gabriele Perfetto 2020 Andrea Gambassi Non-equilibrium fluctuations and dynamics in isolated quantum many-body systems Postdoc at University of Tübingen, Germany sp
Noel Lamsen 2020 Gesualdo Delfino Exact results for critical systems with and without quenched disorder Postdoc at IIP, Natal, Brazil sp
Giuliano Giudici 2020 Marcello Dalmonte Entanglement and constrained dynamics in strongly correlated systems Postdoc at IQOQI, Innsbruck, Austria sp
Tommaso Parolini 2020 Antonello Scardicchio Non-ergodic phenomena in many-body quantum systems Quant strategist at TickUp AB sp
Andrea Colcelli 2020 Andrea Trombettoni, Giuseppe Mussardo Scaling properties and Floquet engineering for low dimensional Bose gases Consultant at SDG Group sp
Gabriele Parimbelli 2020 M. Viel The impact of cosmological neutrinos on large-scale structure observables INAF-OATS ap
Tommaso Ronconi 2020 A. Lapi, M. Viel From cosmic voids to collapsed structures: HPC methods for Astrophysics and Cosmology SISSA ap
Paolo Campeti 2020 C. Baccigalupi, D. Poletti Towards Precision Measurements of the Primordial Power Spectrum of Gravitational Waves: Combining B-mode Cosmic Microwave Background and Direct Gravitational Waves Observations ap
Farida Farsian 2020 N. Krachmalnicoff
C. Baccigalupi
Foreground Challenge to CMB Polarization: Present Methodologies and New Concepts Univ. Bologna ap
Sabyasachi Goswami 2020 A. Bressan, A. Lapi, L. Silva On the e ects of the Initial Mass Function on galactic chemical enrichment: the role of Pair Instability Supernovae ap
Mattia Angeli 2020 Michele Fabrizio Emergent phenomena in twisted Van der Waals materials cm
Karla Baumann 2020 Massimo Capone Mott transition, topology, and magnetism of interacting fermions in confined geometries cm
Lorenzo Crippa 2020 Massimo Capone
Adriano Amaricci
Local and non-local correlations in Topological Insulators and Weyl Semimetals cm
Matteo Ferri 2020 Simone Piccinin
Stefano Fabris
Stefano De Gironcoli
Ab-initio Characterization of a Novel Photocathode for Water Splitting: Bulk and Surface Properties of CuFeO2 cm
Claudio Genovese 2020 Sandro Sorella Geminal Power in QMC cm
Jacopo Marcheselli 2020 Stefano Baroni
Marco Garavelli
Stefano Corni
Simulating Plasmon Enhancement of Optical Properties in Hybrid Metal-Organic Nanoparticles cm
Silvia Pappalardi 2020 Rosario Fazio
Alessandro Silva
Entanglement dynamics and chaos in long-range quantum systems cm
Giulia Piccitto 2020 Alessandro Silva Cluster mean-field dynamics of the long-range interacting Ising chain cm
Yusuf Shaidu 2020 Stefano De Gironcoli Interatomic Potential for Li-C Systems from Cluster Expansion to Artificial Neural Network Techniques cm
Andrea Urru 2020 Andrea Dal Corso Lattice dynamics with Fully Relativistic Pseudopotentials for magnetic systems, with selected applications cm
Matteo Wauters 2020 Giuseppe Santoro Adiabatic approaches to non-equilibrium systems: Topology, Optimization, and Learning cm
Dimitar Ivanov 2020 S. Liberati, M. Viel Testing deviations from LCDM model with electromagnetic and gravitational waves working for private company Data Science app
Andrea Oddo 2020 E. Sefusatti Toward a complete cosmological analysis of galaxy clustering measurements from spectroscopic redshift surveys outreach activities - SISSA Medialab app
Giovanni Tambalo 2020 P. Creminelli Gravitational wave decay: implications for cosmological scalar-tensor theories postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational physics app
Alessandro Morandini 2020 A. De Simone Tackling the dark matter problem: a phenomenologist's perspective postdoctoral researcher in Aachen University app
Francesco Di Filippo 2020 S. Liberati Beyond General Relativity: modified theories and non-singular Black Holes Postdoctoral Researcher presso Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics. app
Giovanni Tricella 2020 S. Liberati Analogue gravity: between analogy and emergence private company app
Fabrizio Del Monte 2020 G.Bonelli, A. Tanzini Supersymmetric Field Theories and Isomonodromic Deformations Postdoc at Centre de recherches mathematiques (CRM) Monteal tpp
Nicola Calonaci 2020 G. Bussi Computational investigations of structure probing experiments for RNA structure prediction Insegnante scuola superiore sbp
Giulia Amici 2020 C. Micheletti Statics and dynamics of physical linking: from confined polymers to chromatin filaments Postdoc presso l'�cole normale sup�rieure di Parigi, Francia sbp
Elena Tea Russo 2020 A. Laio Unsupervised protein family classification by Density Peak clustering Insegnante scuola superiore e co.co.co presso la SISSA sbp
Giulia Sormani 2020 A. Laio An unsupervised approach to the analysis of free energy landscapes and to protein design Postdoc presso ICTP, Trieste sbp
Paola Ruggiero 2019 Pasquale Calabrese Entanglement and correlations in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems Postdoc at University of Geneva, Switzerland sp
Riccardo Ben Alì Zinati 2019 Andrea Gambassi,
Alessandro Codello
Universality: from discrete symmetry models to active matter systems Postdoc at Sorbonne Université, Paris, France sp
Jacopo Sisti 2019 Erik Tonni Shape Dependence of Holographic Entanglement Entropy in AdS/BCFT and in Hyperscaling Violating Spacetimes Postdoc at University of Southampton, UK sp
Márton Mestyán 2019 Pasquale Calabrese Relaxation phenomena in isolated integrable quantum systems Postdoc at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia sp
Paolo Mazza 2019 Andrea Gambassi Non-equilibrium dynamics in one-dimensional constrained quantum statistical systems Data scientist at Rachael-SWG, Trieste sp
Alessio Lerose 2019 Andrea Gambassi,Alessandro Silva Nonequilibrium phenomena in quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions Postdoc at University of Geneva, Switzerland sp
Riccardo Murgia 2019 M. Viel Constraining Dark Matter properties with the Inter-Galactic Medium and other probes Montpellier ap
Anirban Roy 2019 A. Lapi, C. Baccigalupi, D. Spergel Probing patchy reionization via CMB, LSS and their cross correlations Cornell Univ., USA ap
Guglielmo Costa 2019 A. Bressan, A. Lanza, L. Girardi Evolution of rotating stars with PARSEC: implementation and comparison with observations Univ. Padova, Italy ap
Chiara Di Paolo 2019 P. Salucci Fundamental properties of the dark and the luminous matter from Low Surface Brightness discs ap
Luca Arceci 2019 Giuseppe Santoro Dissipation effects in driven quantum many-body systems cm
Francesco Ferrari 2019 Federico Becca Static and dynamical properties of frustrated spin models cm
Daniele Guerci 2019 Michele Fabrizio
Massimo Capone
Beyond simple variational approach for strongly electron systems cm
Juraj Hasik 2019 Federico Becca Towards next-generation methods to optimize two-dimensional tensor networks: Algorithmic differentiation and applications to quantum magnets cm
Deepak Bahadur Karki 2019 Michele Fabrizio
Mikhail Kiselev
Multi-color Fermi-liquid theory of quantum transport through a multilevel Kondo impurity cm
Glen Bigan Mbeng 2019 Giuseppe Santoro Quantum annealing and digital quantum ground state preparation algorithms cm
Muhammad Nawaz Qaisrani 2019 Stefano Baroni
Ali A Hassanali
Ralph Gebauer
A Multi-scale Approach to Studying the Complexity in Glutamine Aggregates: Structure, Dynamics and Electronic Properties. cm
Martina Teruzzi 2019 Giuseppe Santoro
Erio Tosatti
Alessandro Laio
Markov State Modeling of 2D Nanofriction cm
Alessandro Davoli 2019 A. D. Simone A journey in dark matter models with non-standard features Private company (data science) app
Jiaxin Wang 2019 P. Ullio Numerical approaches towards the galactic synchrotron emission Postdoc Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China app
Mihael Petac 2019 P. Ullio Galactic Dark Matter distribution and its implication for experimental searches Postdoc in Montpellier, France (LUPM institute) app
Marco Gorghetto 2019 Giovanni Villadoro Axions from Strings Postdoc at Weizmann Institute of Science tpp
Riccardo Bergamin 2019 Sergio Cecotti tt* Geometry of FQHE tpp
Hrachya Khachatryan 2019 Francesco Benini, Sergio Benvenuti Exploring the space of many-flavor QED's in 2 < d < 6 tpp
Paolo Milan 2019 Francesco Benini A Tale of two Indices or How to count Black Hole Microstates in Ads/CFT Postdoc at Technion- Israel Institute of Technology tpp
Carlos Nieto 2019 Roberto Percacci Aymptotic Safety in the Standard Model and Beyond Postdoc at Universidad Industrial de Santander tpp
Elena Venturini 2019 Aleksandr Azatov, Andrea Romanino Search for Beyond Standard Model physics at high and low energy colliders Postdoc at Technical University of Munich tpp
Francesca Cuturello 2019 G. Bussi Covariance models for RNA structure prediction post-doc, area science park, Trieste sbp
Alberto Pezzotta 2018 Antonio Celani Optimal search processes in physics and biology Postdoc at The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK sp
Ryan Cubero 2018 Matteo Marsili,
Roudi Yasser
Statistical mechanics of samples, efficient representations and criticality Postdoc at Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim, Norway sp
Alvise Bastianello 2018 Giuseppe Mussardo,
Andrea De Luca
Aspects of quantum integrability: non-equilibrium dynamics, defects and hydrodynamics Potsdoc a TUM, Munich, Germany sp
Estelle Inack 2018 Giuseppe Santoro,
Sebastiano Pilati
Simulating quantum annealing via projective quantum Monte Carlo algorithms Postdoc at Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada sp
Lorenzo Piroli 2018 Pasquale Calabrese Nonequilibrium Quantum States of Matter Postdoc at MPQ, Munich, Germany sp
Andrej Obuljen 2018 M. Viel Large-Scale Structure with 21cm Intensity Mapping University of Waterloo, Canada, andrej.obuljen[at]uwaterloo.ca ap
Francesca Lepori 2018 M. Viel, C. Baccigalupi Relativistic Cosmology from the Linear to the Non-Linear Regime The University of Geneva, Switzerland, francesca.lepori[at]unige.ch ap
Elias Kammoun 2018 A. Celotti, G. Risaliti Clues on the physics of AGN through X-ray spectral, timing and polarimetric analysis University of Michigan, USA, ekammoun[at]umich.edu ap
Milena Valentini 2018 S. Borgani, A. Bressan, G. Murante Formation of disc galaxies from cosmological simulations: galactic outflows and chemical evolution Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy, milena.valentini[at]sns.it ap
Gor Oganesyan 2018 A. Celotti, L. Nava, G. Ghirlanda Gamma-ray burst prompt emission: new insights into spectral characterization Gran Sasso Science Institute, gor.oganesyan[at]gssi.it, Italy ap
Maja Berovic 2018 Massimo Capone Exploring Hund's correlated metals: charge instabilities and effect of selective interactions cm
Caterina De Franco 2018 Federico Becca
Luca Fausto Tocchio
Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Two-Band Hubbard Model: A Variational Monte Carlo Perspective cm
Loris Ercole 2018 Stefano Baroni Ab Initio Simulation of Heat Transport in Silica Glass cm
Lorenzo Gigli 2018 Giuseppe Santoro
Erio Tosatti
Friction and Adhesion of graphene nanoribbons on gold: an MD investigation cm
Francesco Grandi 2018 Michele Fabrizio
Adriano Amaricci
Mott insulators in disguise cm
Seher Karakuzu 2018 Sandro Sorella Variational and auxiliary field Monte Carlo for the Hubbard and Hubbard-Holstein models: an accurate finite-size scaling and a "sign problem" solution cm
Simone Notarnicola 2018 Alessandro Silva
Rosario Fazio
Coupled quantum kicked rotors: a study about dynamical localization, slow heating and thermalization cm
Mariam Rusishvili 2018 Stefano Baroni
Alessandra Magistrato
Color optical properties of anthocyanins in solution: a multi-scale computational study cm
Rodrigo de León Ardón 2018 R. Percacci Different formulations of Gravity and their equivalence at classical and quantum level Research associate at ICTP app
Yakefu Reyimuaji 2018 A. Romanino Phenomenological Applications of Effective Field Theory: Neutrinos and LHC Physics Post-doc at Chinese Academy of Sciences app
Lorenzo Bordin 2018 P. Creminelli Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Primordial Tensor Modes Postdoctoral Fellow at Nottingham University app
Vedran Skrinjar 2018 R. Percacci Asymptotically Safe Quantum Field Theories in Perturbative Regime and Beyond Consultant for Private Company app
Costantino Pacilio 2018 S. Liberati Black holes beyond general relativity: theoretical and phenomenological developments. Master in High Performance Computing app
Gabriele Spada 2018 Marco Serone, Giovanni Villadoro The Power of Perturbation Series Postdoc at ENS Paris, France tpp
Matteo Poggi 2018 Giulio Bonelli, Alessandro Tanzini Elliptic Genera in Gauged Linear Sigma Models Postdoc at KIAS, Seoul, South Korea tpp
Joao Penedo 2018 Andrea Romanino, Serguey Petcov Aspects of the Symmetry Approach to Neutrino Masses and Mixing tpp
André Benevides 2018 Atish Dabholkar Quantum effective actions in Weyl-flat spacetimes and applications tpp
Vladimir Bashmakov 2018 Matteo Bertolini Phases of N = 1 theories in d = 2 + 1 and non-supersymmetric conformal manifolds, or: Is there life beyond holomorphy? Postdoc at Milano-Bicocca, Italy tpp
Mengqi Zhu 2018 Giulio Bonelli T Tbar Deformations of Quantum Field Theory tpp
Andrea Cesari 2018 G. Bussi Enforcing ensemble averages in molecular dynamics simulations using the Maximum Entropy principle Price Analyst @ Allianz SE sbp
Nina Ilieva 2018 A. Laio Computational Analysis of Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Experiments on Native Membranes Laboratory technician @ CIC biomaGUNE, San-Sebastian/Donostia, Spain sbp
Mattia Marenda 2018 C. Micheletti Topological Sorting and self-assembly of knotted molecules: models and simulations MRC/UoE Cross Disciplinary Post-Doctoral Fellow @ Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine at the University of Edinburgh sbp
Matteo Adorisio 2018 A. Celani Search, navigation and foraging: an optimal decision-making perspective Insegnante scuola superiore sbp
João Pinto Barros 2017 Andrea Trombettoni,
Marcello Dalmonte
Field and Gauge Theories with Ultracold Gauge Potentials and Fields Postdoc at University of Bern, Switzerland sp
Gianni Mossi 2017 Antonello Scardicchio The Transverse-Field Ising Spin Glass Model on the Bethe Lattice with an Application to Adiabatic Quantum Computing Quantum Research Scientist at NASA QuAIL, Mountain View, USA sp
Alessandro Trani 2017 M. Mapelli, A. Bressan Dynamics in extreeme environments: galactic nuclei University of Tokyo, aatrani[at]astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp ap
Isabella Paola Carucci 2017 M. Viel, A. Lapi Cosmic neutral hydrogen as tracer of the large scale structure of the Universe ipcarucci[at]sissa.it ap
Ikechukwu Anthony Obi 2017 A. Bressan, F. Perrotta and L. Silva A Panchromatic Spectral Population Synthesis Model for Young Star-Burst Galaxies Space Research Centre, University of Nigeria, Enugu State, Nigeria, tonykassidy_z[at]yahoo.com ap
Giuseppe Puglisi 2017 C. Baccigalupi, G. Fabbian B-mode Polarization Experiments for the Cosmic Microwave Background: Map-making and Foreground Modelling Stanford University, giuspugl[at]stanford.edu ap
Jingjing Shi 2017 A. Lapi, H. Wang, R. K. Sheth Angular Momentum, Assembly, and Environments of Galaxies and Halos Peking University, China, shijingjing[at]pku.edu.cn ap
Lorenzo Privitera 2017 Giuseppe Santoro Non-equilibrium aspects of topological Floquet quantum systems cm
Nguyen Dung Tran 2017 Stefano Fabris Stability and Reactivity of Supported Single-Atom Catalysts: Insight from Density Functional Theory cm
Tommaso Zanca 2017 Giuseppe Santoro Landau-Zener processes in out-of-equilibrium quantum physics cm
Ramit Dey 2017 S. Liberati Thermodynamical Aspects of Gravity: From Event Horizon to Emergent Gravity Postdoctoral fellowship at University of Western Ontario app
Marco Letizia 2017 S. Liberati Probing the spacetime fabric: from fundamental discreteness to quantum geometries Post-doc at Perimeter Institute (Della Riccia funding) app
Ernesto Lopez Fune 2017 P. Salucci Dark Matter and Galaxy Rotation Curves Postdoctoral Scientist at Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies ( LPNHE - UPMC / IN2P3 / CNRS) app
Peter Labus 2017 R. Percacci Matter Fields in Asymptotically Safe Quantum Field Theories of Gravity Postdoctoral fellowship at Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM app
Himanshu Raj 2017 Matteo Bertolini Explorations in AdS/CFT Correspondence PostDoc at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel tpp
Pietro Baratella 2017 Paolo Creminelli, Marco Serone, Andrea Romanino Secret Symmetries and Supersymmetry: Investigations Postdoc at IFAE, Barcelona, Spain tpp
Arsenii Titov 2017 Serguey Petcov Phenomenology of the Discrete Symmetry Approach to Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation Postdoc at Durham IPPP, United Kingdom tpp
Emtinan Elkhidir 2017 Marco Serone A Manual for Conformal Field Theories in 4D Postdoc at Uppsala University, Sweden tpp
Denis Karateev 2017 Marco Serone Kinematics of 4D Conformal Field Theories Postdoc at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland tpp
Antonio Suma 2017 C. Micheletti Static and dynamic properties of knotted biopolymers: from bulk to nanochannels and nanopores Post-doc @ Institute for Computational Molecular Science, College of Science and Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia (USA) sbp
Lorenzo Casalino 2017 A. Magistrato Pre-mRNA Splicing: An Evolutionary Computational Journey from Ribozymes to Spliceosome Post-doc @ Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego (USA) sbp
Elena Facco 2017 A. Laio The intrinsic dimension of biological data landscapes Big Data-Machine Learning Consultant @ MC Engineering sbp
Negar Nahali 2017 A. Rosa Ring Polymers in Entangled Solutions: Complex Structure and Heterogeneous Dynamics Post-doc @ Umeå University (Sweden) sbp
Richard Cunha 2017 G. Bussi Dissecting Mg2+-RNA interactions using atomistic molecular dynamics Post-doc @ University of Zurich (UZH) - Zurich, Switzerland sbp
Alessio Chiocchetta 2016 Andrea Gambassi A study on non-equilibrium dynamics in isolated and open quantum systems Postdoc at University of Cologne, Germany sp
Cristiano De Nobili 2016 Erik Tonni On entanglement negativity in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensional quantum systems Deep Learning Scientist at HARMAN Itl., Milano, Italy sp
Thuong Nguyen 2016 Markus Müller Magneto-transport and localization in disordered systems with local superconductive attraction Data Scientist at [24]7.ai, Mountain View, USA sp
Valentina Ros 2016 Markus Müller,
Antonello Scardicchio
Aspects of localization in disordered many-body quantum systems Permanent researcher at CNRS, University of Paris Sud, France sp
Valerio Volpati 2016 Matteo Marsili Statistical Mechanics approach to the sustainability of economic ecosystems Research Fellow at Capital Fund Managment, Paris, France sp
Federico Bianchini 2016 A. Lapi, C. Baccigalupi, P. Bielewicz Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure: Cross-Correlation as seen from Herschel and Planck satellites University of Melbourne, Australia fbianchini[at]unimelb.edu.au ap
Serena Perrotta 2016 V. D'Odorico, S. Cristiani,F. Perrotta, Investigating Quasar Outflows at High Redshift ap
Marco Raveri 2016 C. Baccigalupi;A. Silvestri The Threefold Way to Cosmological Tests of Gravity KICP, University of Chicago, USA mraveri[at]kicp.uchicago.edu ap
Claudia Mancuso 2016 A. Lapi; L. Danese; G. De Zotti Dusty Star Forming Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshifts: In- Situ Coevolution SISSA, Italy cmancuso[at]sissa.it ap
Ekaterina Karukes 2016 P. Salucci The nature of dark matter from properties of galaxies SISSA, Italy ekaterina.karukes[at]sissa.it ap
Xiaoting Fu 2016 A. Bressan Evolution of low mass stars: lithium problem and alpha enhanced tracks and isochrones ESO, Germany xtfu[at]sissa.it ap
Nicolo Defenu 2016 Andrea Trombettoni, Stefano Ruffo Applications of Functional Renormalization Group to Spin Systems and Long Range Models cm
Lorenzo Del Re 2016 Massimo Capone Multicomponent strongly correlated fermions in optical lattices cm
Tommaso Gorni 2016 Stefano Baroni Spin-fluctuation spectra in magnetic systems: a novel approach based on TDDFT cm
Francesco Peronaci 2016 Massimo Capone Transient dynamics of unconventional superconductors: d-wave symmetry and strong correlations cm
Francesco Petocchi 2016 Massimo Capone Competing interactions in correlated heterostructures cm
Alessio Belenchia 2016 S. Liberati Exploring Spacetime Phenomenology: From Lorentz Violations to Experimental Tests of Non-locality Post-doc at IQOQI in Vienna app
Alejandro Castedo Echeverri 2016 M. Serone CFTs and the Bootstrap Private Company app
Elena Massara 2016 M. Viel, R. K. Sheth Neutrinos and voids in modern cosmology Postdoctoral Fellow at Berkeley University app
Mauro Valli 2016 P. Ullio A glimpse on Dark Matter particles shining through the gamma-ray Sky Post-doc at INFN Rome app
Bruno Lima de Souza 2016 Loriano Bonora CFT's, contact terms and anomalies Programmer at Wolfram Alpha Institute tpp
Juan Carlos Vasquez 2016 Stefano Bertolini Phenomenology of the right-handed lepton mixings at the LHC Postdoc at Centro Científico-Tecnológico de Valparaíso (CCTVal), Chile tpp
Ivan Girardi 2016 Serguey Petcov Discrete Symmetry Approach to Lepton Flavour, Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation, and Neutrino Related Physics Beyond the Standard Theory Postdoc at IBM Research Institute, Zurich, Switzerland tpp
Giovanni Grilli 2016 Giovanni Villadoro Phenomenology of dark matter at present and future experiment Postdoc at University of Sao Paulo. tpp
Javier Pardo Vega 2016 Giovanni Villadoro Higgs mass and QCD axion properties at high precision Consultant at Altair Management Consultants tpp
Luca Ponzoni 2016 C. Micheletti Knowledge-based identification of functional domains in proteins Post-Doc @ University of Pittsburgh - USA sbp
Giovanni Pinamonti 2016 G. Bussi Studying the dynamical properties of small RNA molecules with computational techniques Post-Doc @ Freie Universität Berlin - Germany sbp
Francesca Rizzato 2016 A. Laio Towards a deeper understanding of protein sequence evolution Post-Doc @ Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris - France sbp
Alejandro Gil Ley 2016 G. Bussi Enhanced sampling and force field corrections for RNA oligomers Post-Doc @ University of Iowa - USA sbp
Andrea Coser 2015 Erik Tonni Aspects of entanglement negativity in one dimensional critical systems Postdoc at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain sp
Francesca Pietracaprina 2015 Antonello Scardicchio Investigating localization transitions with the forward approximation Marie Curie fellow at Trinity College, Dublin, Eire sp
Mauro Schiulaz 2015 Alessandro Silva
Markus Müller
Ideal quantum glass transition: many-body localization without quenched disorder? Assistant Editor for PRX at the APS, New York, USA sp
Alessio Squarcini 2015 Gesualdo Delfino Phase separation and interfaces — exact results Postdoc at Max Planck, Stuttgart, Germany sp
Yang Chen 2015 A. Bressan Evolution of Very Low Mass Stars and Very Massive Stars in PARSEC ? Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Galileo Galilei, Universit`a di Padova, Padova ychen[at]sissa.it ap
Jing Tang 2015 A. Bressan New PARSEC evolutionary tracks of massive stars at low metallicity: testing canonical stellar evolution in nearby star forming dwarf galaxies SISSA, Trieste, Italy jing.tang[at]sissa.it ap
Calabrese Matteo 2015 C. Baccigalupi The Universe in many nutshells: high resolution simulations of CMB weak gravitational lensing INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy matteo.calabrese[at].sissa.it ap
Aversa Rossella 2015 A. Lapi;L. Danese;P. Salucci Coevolution of supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies across cosmic times SISSA, Trieste, Italy rossella.aversa[at]sissa.it ap
Davide Mandelli 2015 Erio Tosatti Sliding Nanofriction in Low Dimensional Model-Systems cm
Anna Maraga 2015 Alessandro Silva
Michele Fabrizio
Nonequilibrium dynamics in isolated quantum systems: absence of thermalization and dynamical phase transitions cm
Giacomo Mazza 2015 Michele Fabrizio Non-Equilibrium Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Systems cm
Michele Ruggeri 2015 Saverio Moroni Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two dimensional 3He: low-density gas-liquid coexistence on substrates and iterative backflow wave functions for strongly correlated systems cm
Emanuele Castorina 2015 R. K. Sheth, E. Sefusatti Massive neutrinos and the Large Structure of the Universe Post-doc at Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics app
Bethan Cropp 2015 S. Liberati Strange horizons: understanding causal barriers beyond general relativity Post-doc at University of Kerala, India app
Michele Lucente 2015 A. Abada, G. Martinelli Implication of Sterile Fermions in Particle Physics and Cosmology Post-doc at CP3, University of Leuven app
Gabriele Trevisan 2015 P. Creminelli Aspects of inflationary cosmology Post-doc at CCPP, New York University app
Piermarco Fonda 2015 Erik Tonni Aspects of holographic entanglement entropy: shape dependence and hyperscaling violating backgrounds tpp
Antonio Sciarappa 2015 Giulio Bonelli, Alessandro Tanzini Developments in Quantum Cohomology and Quantum Integrable Hydrodynamics via Supersymmetric Gauge Theories Postdoc at KIAS, Seoul, South Korea tpp
Thi Ngoc Loan Truong 2015 Bobby Acharya Search for an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion using the ATLAS Detector tpp
Giorgio Busoni 2015 Andrea De Simone Dark Matter Indirect Detection and Collider Search: the Good and the Bad Post-Doc at CoEPP, Melbourne University tpp
Petr Vasko 2015 Alessandro Tanzini, Giulio Bonelli Integrable models and geometry of target spaces from the partition function of N=(2,2) theories on S^2 Postdoc at NUS, Singapore tpp
Victor Ivan Giraldo 2015 K. S. Narain, Edi Gava Computations on Field Theories with Super- and Higher Spin- Symmetry: Black Holes and Localization tpp
Muteeb Nouman 2015 K. S. Narain, Edi Gava tpp
Andrea Perez-Villa 2015 G. Bussi Translocation of NS3 from Hepatitis C Virus on RNA: Insights from Atomistic Molecular Simulations Post-Doc @ UPMC - Sorbonne Universities - Francia sbp
Edoardo Sarti 2015 A. Laio Assessing the structure of proteins and protein complexes through physical and statistical approaches Post-Doc @ NIH (NINDS, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke), Bethesda USA sbp
Guido Polles 2015 C. Micheletti Coarse-grained models for self-assembling systems Research associate @ University of Southern California - USA sbp
Francesca Mancini 2015 M. Marsili Information theory in biochemical regulatory networks: a theoretical study Risk Modeling & Analytics Specialist @ UBS - Switzerland sbp
Pierangelo Lombardo 2014 Andrea Gambassi
Luca Dall’Asta
Fluctuations effects in population genetics and in protein translation Data Scientist at aizoOn Technology Consulting, Turin, Italy sp
Giuseppe Menegoz 2014 Alessandro Silva Prethermalization after a sudden quench in a weakly interacting Bose gas Software Developer at Nord Est Systems, Pordenone, Italy sp
Pietro Smacchia 2014 Alessandro Silva Out of equilibrium many-body systems: adiabaticity, statistics of observables and dynamical phase transitions Head of Data Science at Blockchain, London, UK sp
Claudia Antolini 2014 C. Baccigalupi CMB lensing signal analysis: prospects for measurements and characterisation for future surveys Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Noemi Frusciante 2014 T. P. Sotiriou, R. K. Sheth, A. Silvestri Deviations from General Relativity in Cosmology and Astrophysics Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France
Eolo di Casola 2014 S. Liberati, S. Sonego Sieving the Landscape of Gravity Theories. From the Equivalence Principles to the Near-Planck Regime SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Daniele Vernieri 2014 T. P. Sotiriou Gravity beyond General Relativity: New Proposals and their Phenomenology Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France
Gianluca Castignani 2014 A. Celotti, M. Chiaberge, G. De Zotti Radio - Loud Active Galactic Nuclei from parsec to Mega-parsec scales Centre National d'études Spatiales (CNES), Observatory of Nice, France
Nicola Colonna 2014 Stefano De Gironcoli Exchange and correlation energy in the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation theory beyond RPA cm
Ye Luo 2014 Sandro Sorella Ab initio molecular dynamics of water by quantum Monte Carlo cm
Aris Marcolongo 2014 Stefano Baroni Theory and ab initio simulation of atomic heat transport cm
Guglielmo Mazzola 2014 Sandro Sorella Metallization and dissociation in high pressure liquid hydrogen by an efficient molecular dynamics with quantum Monte Carlo cm
Angelo Russomanno 2014 Giuseppe Santoro Periodic driving of a coherent quantum many body system and relaxation to the Floquet diagonal ensemble cm
Matteo Sandri 2014 Michele Fabrizio The Gutzwiller Approach to out-of-equilibrium correlated fermions cm
Marko Simonovic 2014 P. Creminelli Cosmological Consistency Relations Post-doc at IAS in Princeton, New Jersey app
David Marzocca 2014 A. Romanino, M. Serone Higgs and beyond in the LHC era Post-doc at University of Zurich app
Carlo Pagani 2014 R. Percacci Applications of the functional renormalization group in curved spacetime Post-doc at Mainz University app
Flavio Porri 2014 M. Bertolini Current correlators, supersymmetry breaking and holography PostDoc at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht tpp
Pietro Dona 2014 R. Percacci Matter fields, gravity and Asymptotic Safety PostDoc at Fudan University, China tpp
Alberto Parolini 2014 M. Serone The Higgs as a Supersymmetric Nambu-Goldstone Boson PostDoc at IBS, Daejeon, Korea tpp
Talal Chowdhury 2014 G. Senjanovic A Possible Link between the Electroweak Phase Transition and the Dark Matter of the Universe tpp
Alejandro Cabo-Bizet 2014 E. Gava, K. Narain Holographic Weyl Anomaly Matching & Black Holes in 3D Higher Spin Theories tpp
Ina Bisha 2014 A. Laio Atomistic Study of Structural and Functional Properties of Membrane Proteins Post-Doc @ LMU/TUM - Munchen - Germany sbp
Francesco Di Palma 2014 G. Bussi Conformational changes in the adenine riboswitch Post-Doc @ Dipartimento di Fisica - Università Roma "La Sapienza" - Italy sbp
Marco Di Stefano 2014 C. Micheletti Structure and dynamics of entangled biopolymers: from knotted DNA to chromosomes Post-Doc @ Centro Nacional de Analisis Genomico (CNAG) - Barcellona - Spain sbp
Marco Beria 2013 Mussardo Giuseppe,
Robert M. Konik
Markus Müller
Numerical methods for quantum systems with infinite-dimensional space of states: two examples, two approaches Global Data Scientist at Allianz, Munich, Germany sp
Luca Caniparoli 2013 Matteo Marsili Statistical physics approaches to protein translation Sr Data Scientist at Boston Consulting Group, Milan, Italy sp
Giancarlo De Luca 2013 Matteo Marsili Decision Making in Complex Environments: an adaptive network approach Data Scientist R&D at WYND, Paris, France sp
Matteo Marcuzzi 2013 Andrea Gambassi A study on non-equilibrium dynamics in classical and quantum systems Research Fellow at The University of Nottingham, UK sp
Jamir Marino 2013 Alessandro Silva Pre-Thermalization in Quantum Spin Chains Junior Professor at Mainz University,Germany sp
Ambra Nanni 2013 A. Bressan Dust production in Asymptotic Giant Branch stars Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Galileo Galilei, Universit`a di Padova, Padova, Italy [br]ananni[at]sissa.it ap
Alessandro Renzi 2013 C. Baccigalupi, M. Liguori Primordial non-Gaussianity with Planck Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Zhen-Yi Cai 2013 A. Lapi, L. Danese, G. De Zotti Evolution with redshift of the star formation rate and of the accretion rate onto AGNs Department of Astronomy, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Xiao-Chuan Ge 2013 Stefano Baroni
Arrigo Calzolari
Seeing Colors with Time Dependent Density Functional Theory cm
Sebastiano Saccani 2013 Saverio Moroni Quantum Monte Carlo studies of soft bosonic systems and minimum energy pathways cm
Hu Wenjun 2013 Sandro Sorella
Federico Becca
Unconventional phases in doped or frustrated quantum antiferromagnets: a systematic Quantum Monte Carlo Study cm
Mohammad Zhian Asadzadeh 2013 Federico Becca
Michele Fabrizio
Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in the two dimensional Kondo lattice model cm
Simone Ziraldo 2013 Giuseppe Santoro Thermalization and relaxation after a quantum quench in disordered hamiltonians cm
Dario Bettoni 2013 S. Liberati
C. Baccigalupi
Framing the dark: theory and phenomenology af a non-minimally coupled dark matter fluid Post-doc position at Technion, Haifa (Israel) app
Aurora Meroni 2013 S. Petcov The nature of Massive Neutrinos and Unified Theories of Flavour Post-doc at INFN Frascati app
Giulio D'Odorico 2013 R. Percacci Applications of the Functional Renormalization Group: from Statistical Models to Quantum Gravity Post-doc at Radboud University Nijmegen app
Hani Santosa 2013 P. Ullio Dark Matter Indirect Detection and Subhalos Lecturer at STKIP Surya, Banten, Indonesia app
Leslaw Rachwal 2013 R. Percacci Models for RG running for Gravitational couplings and applications PostDoc at Fudan University, China tpp
Michele Del Zotto 2013 S. Cecotti Four-dimensional N=2 superconformal quantum field theories and BPS-quivers PostDoc at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA tpp
Stefano Giaccari 2013 L. Bonora Conformal symmetry in String Field Theory and 4D Field Theories PostDoc at Fudan University, China tpp
Lorenzo Di Pietro 2013 M. Bertolini Supersymmetry Breaking, Gauge Mediation and Holography PostDoc at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel tpp
Nguyen Dinh Dinh 2013 S. T. Petcov Probing the Possible TeV Scale See-saw Origin of Neutrino Masses with Charged Lepton Flavour Violation Processes and Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy Using Atoms Researcher at Vietnam Academy of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam tpp
Giuseppe Facchetti 2013 C. Altafini Computational approaches to complex biological networks Post-Doc @ Börries and Hauke Group University of Freiburg, Germany sbp
Gianpaolo Gobbo 2013 A. Laio Novel Approaches for an Unprejudiced Characterization of Rare Events Postdoc @ B. J. Leimkuhler Group, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK sbp
Luca Ianeselli 2013 A. Laio Development of a Miniaturized Electro-Fluidic Detector for Medical Diagnostics Post-Doc @ Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste - Italy sbp
Daniele Granata 2013 A. Laio Characterizing structure and free energy landscape of proteins by NMR-guided metadynamics. Post-Doc @ ICMS, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US sbp
Duvan Franco Marin 2013 A. Magistrato Computational studies on DNA Damage Recognition Customer service executive @ Booking.com. sbp
Francesco Buccheri 2012 Giuseppe Mussardo Matrix elements from algebraic Bethe anzatz: novel applications in statistical physics Postdoc at University of Düsseldorf, Germany sp
Andrea De Luca 2012 Antonello Scardicchio Entanglement and localization in low-dimensional quantum systems Permanent researcher at CNRS, Cergy University, France sp
Francesco Mancarella 2012 Giuseppe Mussardo,
Andrea Trombettoni
Some Aspects of Anyon Thermodynamics and Chern–Simons Theory Senior Analyst at Danske Bank Corporates and Institutions, Denmark sp
Iacopo Mastromatteo 2012 Matteo Marsil On the typical properties of inverse problems in statistical mechanics Associated Researcher at CFM, France sp
Jacopo Viti 2012 Gesualdo Delfino Universal properties of two dimensional percolation Professor (Assistant) at UFRN, Brazil sp
Xiao Quan Yu 2012 Markus Müller Superfluidity and localization in Bosonic glasses Assistant Professor, Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, Beijing, China sp
Nicola Bassan 2012 S. Fantoni, J. C. Miller Microphysical modeling of Neutron Star Matter and Astrophysical consequences ? ap
Yabebal Tadesse Fantaye 2012 C. Baccigalupi, S. Leach Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode Polarization Data Analysis: Gravitational Waves and Lensing ? ap
Claudio Cremaschini 2012 J. C. Miller, M. Tessarotto Foundations of Kinetic Theory for Astrophysical Plasmas with Applications to Accretion Discs and Electromagnetic Radiation-Reaction ? ap
Antonella Garzilli 2012 M. Viel, S. Leach, J. C. Miller A measurement of the thermal history of the intergalactic medium, and constraints on primordial black holes in the Galaxy ? ap
Emilio Tejeda Rodriguez 2012 J. C. Miller, S. Rosswog An analytic Kerr-accretion model as a test solution for a new GR SPH code ? ap
Pier Paolo Baruselli 2012 Michele Fabrizio
Erio Tosatti
Kondo conductance anomalies from first principles cm
Mauro Iazzi 2012 Augusto Smerzi
Stefano Fantoni
Ginzburg-Landau description of superfluid layered fermions cm
Changru Ma 2012 Stefano Fabris
Simone Piccinin
Modeling Ru-based molecular catalysts for water oxidation cm
Ngoc Linh Nguyen 2012 Stefano de Gironcoli
Simone Piccinin
Toward Realistic DFT Description of Complex Systems:Ethylene Epoxidation on Ag-Cu Alloys and RPA Correlation in van der Waals Molecules cm
Riccardo Sabbatini 2012 Stefano de Gironcoli Non-local correlation in Density Functional Theory cm
Jiawei Xian 2012 Stefano Baroni
Paolo Umari
Electronic properties of gold nanoclusters from GW calculations cm
Hong-Yi Xie 2012 Michele Fabrizio
Vladimir Kravtsov
Markus Muller
Anderson Localization in Disordered Systems with Competing Channels cm
Giorgio Arcadi 2012 P. Ullio Interplay between Generation Mechanisms and Detection of Supersymmetric Dark Matter in the LHC Era Post-doc Invisible Fellowship, Goettingen University, Goettingen, Germany app
Alessandro Lovato 2012 S. Fantoni
O. Benhar
Ab initio calculations on nuclear matter properties including the effects of three-nucleons interaction Post-doc at ALCF, Argonne National Laboratory app
Angus Prain 2012 S. Liberati The Analogue Gravity Challenge The bridge from Theory to Experiment Post-doc at Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada app
Maryam Tavakoli 2012 P. Ullio Porperties of Interstellar Medium and Cosmic Rays Propagation; Impacts on Indirect Dark Matter Searches Long term visitor at DESY app
Maurizio Monaco 2012 A. Romanino LHC Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Models Employed - Assicurazioni Generali tpp
Andrzej Hryczuk 2012 P. Ullio Loops and non-perturbative effects in dark matter phenomenology Postdoc at TMU Munich, Germany tpp
Jian Zhao 2012 G. Bonelli,
A. Tanzini
Vortices, Surfaces and Instantons Employed - Internship Financial Engineer, Toronto, Canada tpp
Vladimir Tello 2012 G. Senjanovic Connections Between the High and Low Energy Violation of Lepton and Flavor Number in the Minimal Left-Right Symmetric Model tpp
Alberto Tonero 2012 M. Fabbrichesi Asymptotic safety and the electroweak interactions Postdoc at ICTP Sao Paulo, Brasil tpp
Mahmoud Safari 2012 M. Serone Composite Higgs Models and Extra Dimensions Postdoc at IPM, Tehran, Iran tpp
Luca Tubiana 2012 C. Micheletti Equilibrium and kinetic properties of knotted ring polymers: a computational approach R. Podgornik's group, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia sbp
Zhaleh Ghaemi Bafghi 2012 A. Laio Atomistic Simulation Studies of the Permeation Pharmacologicallly Relevant Molecules Through Lipid Membranes Postdoc, Luthey-Schulten Group, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US sbp
Nhu Trang Do 2012 G. Bussi Investigating Peptide/RNA binding in Anti-HIV research by molecular simulations: electrostatic recognition and accelerated sampling Postdoc, Karttunen's group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada sbp
Fahimeh Baftizadeh 2012 A. Laio Atomistic Simulations of Short Peptides Aggregation by Advanced Computational Techniques Postdoc, Trout's group, MIT, Boston, Massachusetts, US sbp
Laura Foini 2011 Francesco Zamponi,
Andrea Gambassi
Quantum optimization problems and glassy systems Permanent researcher at CNRS, IPhT Saclay, France sp
Giuseppe Brandino 2011 Giuseppe Mussardo Perturbed CFT: Integrability, non-integrability and the level spacing conjecture R&D responsible at eXact-lab S.R.L., Italy sp
Michele Burrello 2011 Giuseppe Mussardo,
Andrea Trombettoni
Topological Quantum Computation, Anyons and non-Abelian Gauge Potentials Professor (Assistant) at University of Copenhagen , Denmark sp
Davide Fioretto 2011 Giuseppe Mussardo Integrability and Out of Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics Quant Trader at Exane, UK sp
Giacomo Gori 2011 Andrea Trombettoni Dipolar interaction: general concepts and application to cold atoms Postdoc at ITP Heidelberg sp
Tommaso Macrì 2011 Andrea Trombettoni Cold Atom Fermi Systems Assistant Professor at UFRN, Natal, Brasil sp
Stefano Finazzi 2011 S. Liberati Analogue gravitational phenomena in Bose–Einstein condensates ? ap
Laura Bonavera 2011 C. Baccigalupi, G. De Zotti, R. D. Ekers Spectra of extragalactic radio sources after Planck ? ap
Goffredo Chirco 2011 S. Liberati Thermodynamic aspects of gravity ? ap
Lulu Fan 2011 A. Lapi, L. Danese, A. Bressan Formation and evolution of massive early-type galaxies at high redshift ? ap
Giovanni Borghi 2011 Michele Fabrizio
Erio Tosatti
Gutzwiller Approximation applied to inhomogeneous lattice models and solid-state systems cm
Giuseppe Carleo 2011 Stefano Baroni
Federico Becca
Saverio Moroni
Spectral and dynamical properties of strongly correlated systems cm
Emine Kucukbenli 2011 Stefano de Gironcoli Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Complex Molecular Crystals From First Principles: Case of Cholesterol cm
Franco Pellegrini 2011 Erio Tosatti
Giuseppe Santoro
Quantum Dissipation at the Nanoscale cm
Pietro Silvi 2011 Giuseppe Santoro
Rosario Fazio
Vittorio Giovannetti
Tensor Networks: a quantum-information perspective on numerical renormalization groups cm
Davide Venturelli 2011 Denis Feinberg
Rosario Fazio
Vittorio Giovannetti
Fabio Taddei
Channel Mixing and Spin Transport in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect cm
Vincenzo Vitagliano 2011 S. Liberati Gravity beyond General Relativity: theory and phenomenology Post-doc at CENTRA, Lisbon, Portugal app
Adriano Contillo 2011 R. Percacci
A. Bonanno
Renormalisation group improvement of the early universe dynamics Post-doc at the Institute of Physics, University of Mainz app
Luca Di Luzio 2011 S. Bertolini Aspects of Symmetry Breaking in Grand Unified Theories Postdoc at KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany tpp
Parinya Karndumri 2011 K. S. Narain,
E. Gava
On Holographic RG Flows Lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand tpp
Tomas Prochazka 2011 M. Bertolini Holographic superconductors with direct current Postdoc at Prague University tpp
Lorenzo Seri 2011 M. O'Loughlin,
L. Bonora
Resolution of singularities in Matrix Big-Bang models Teacher at secondary school tpp
Gianpaolo Chiriano 2011 G.Legname Computer- and synthesis-based approaches towards the discovery of novel BACE-1 inhibitors as potential anti-Alzheimer�s drugs Research assistant, University of Geneva, Switzerland sbp
Salvatore Borganzone 2011 P. Carloni Design, synthesis and molecular modeling studies of drug candidate compounds against prion diseases Postdoc, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain sbp
Pilar Cossio 2011 A. Laio Protein physics by advanced computational techniques: conformational sampling and folded state discrimination Postdoc, Hummer's Group, MPI, Frankfurt, Germany sbp
Alessandro Bosco 2011 C. Micheletti Mechanical response of ssDNA filaments and ss/dsDNA patches: experiments and simulations Postdoc, L. Casalis' group, Elettra, Trieste, Italy sbp
Serena Bradde 2010 Riccardo Zecchina,
Giuseppe Mussardo
The Isomorphism Problem: A Belief Propagation Approach Editor for PRE at APS, New York, USA sp
Fabio Caccioli 2010 Matteo Marsili Financial markets as disordered interacting systems: information, risk and illiquidity Professor at UCL, London, UK sp
Elena Canovi 2010 Giuseppe Santoro,
Rosario Fazio,
Alessandro Silva
Quench dynamics of many-body systems Software developer at Sinapsi, L’Aquila, Italy sp
Daniele De Martino 2010 Matteo Marsili Phase transistions on heterogeneous random graphs: some case studies Permanent researcher at CNR, Italy sp
Luca Lepori 2010 Giuseppe Mussardo,
Andrea Trombettoni
QFT emerging models in condensed matter systems Postdoc at IIT (Genova), Italy sp
Pratika Dayal 2010 A. Ferrara Cosmic Lighthouses: unveiling the nature of high-redshift galaxies ? ap
Carmelo Evoli 2010 A. Ferrara The role of turbulence in interstellar and intergalactic environments ? ap
Giulia Migliori 2010 A. Celotti, A. Siemiginowska, P. Grandi High Energy Emission in Relativistic Jets of AGN: Theory predictions and gamma-ray view ? ap
Juan Felipe Carrasquilla Alvarez 2010 Federico Becca
Michele Fabrizio
The Bose-Hubbard model with disorder in low-dimensional lattices cm
Yanier Crespo Hernandez 2010 Alessandro Laio
Giuseppe Santoro
Erio Tosatti
Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Classical and Quantum Systems by a Metadynamics Monte Carlo Procedure cm
Marco Schiro' 2010 Michele Fabrizio Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems cm
Gabriele Sclauzero 2010 Andrea Dal Corso Modeling CO adsorption on Pt and Au monatomic chains and nanocontacts cm
Guido D'Amico 2010 P. Creminelli Dark Energy and Non-Gaussianity through the Large Scale Structure Post-doc at Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University app
Jorge Ivan Noreña Sanchez 2010 P. Creminelli Topics on cosmological non-Gaussianity Post-doc at ICC, University of Barcelona app
Marco Nardecchia 2010 A. Romanino Phenomenological aspects of supersymmetry breaking Research associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge app
Omar Zanusso 2010 R. Percacci Selected applications of functional renormalization group Post-doc at Radboud University Nijmegen, Germany app
Gaurav Narain 2010 R. Percacci Renormalization group studies of scalar-tensor theories of gravity Post-doc at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Taramani, India app
Emiliano Molinaro 2010 S. T. Petcov CP Violation in the Lepton Sector, Thermal Leptogenesis and Lepton Flavour Violating Processes Postdoc at TUM-IAS, Munich, Germany tpp
Robert Ziegler 2010 A. Romanino Supersymmetry Breaking in Grand Unified Theories Postdoc at TUM-IAS, Munich, Germany tpp
Andrea Prundenziati 2010 G. Bonelli,
A. Tanzini
Topics in Open Topological Strings Postdoc at Universidade de São Paulo, Physics, Brasil tpp
Raffaele Savelli 2010 L. Bonora On Freed-Witten anomaly and charge/flux quantization in string/F theory Postdoc at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris tpp
Raffaelo Potestio 2010 C. Micheletti Coarse-grained modelling of protein structure and internal dynamics: comparative methods and applications Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany sbp
Roberto Marchese 2010 ? sbp
Mauro Melli 2010 G. Scoles Mechanical resonating devices and their applications in biomolecular studies TASC, Trieste, Italy sbp
Subhra Mandal 2010 G. Scoles Polyelectrolyte based NANO-approaches for Cancer therapy or diagnostics Dept. TumorImmunology NCMLS, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen,The Netherlands sbp
Barbara Sanavio 2010 G. Scoles Oriented Immobilization of Prion Protein Demonstrated via Precise Interfacial Nanostructure Measurements Elettra, Trieste, Italy sbp
Ernazar B. Abdikamalov 2009 J. Miller, L. Rezzolla The gravitational wave signature of stellar collapse and dynamics of compact stars ? ap
Sara Buttiglione 2009 A. Celotti, A. Capetti Spectroscopy of radio galaxies and the jet-disk connection ? ap
Michael Cook 2009 A. Lapi, G. L. Granato Two phase galaxy formation: on the physical origins of the bulge-disc dichotomy ? ap
Barbara De Marco 2009 A. Celotti, M. Cappi, K. Iwasawa Iron line variability: a tool towards understanding the accretion flow around supermassive black holes ? ap
Marco Nardini 2009 A. Celotti, G. Ghisellini, G. Ghirlanda Optical versus X-ray afterglows of GRBs: towards understanding the emission processes ? ap
Luca Naso 2009 J. C. Miller, A. Bonanno Magnetic fields in proto-neutron stars and in accretion discs around neutron stars ? ap
Andrew Schurer 2009 G. L. Granato, L. Silva The effect of dust on the appearence of the spectral energy distribution of galaxies ? ap
Stefania Salvadori 2009 A. Ferrara Stellar archeology: from first stars to dwarf galaxies ? ap
Tommaso Caneva 2009 Giuseppe Santoro
Rosario Fazio
Adiabatic dynamics of many-body systems close to a quantum critical point cm
Nicola Lanata 2009 Michele Fabrizio The Gutzwiller variational approach to correlated systems cm
Lorenzo Paulatto 2009 Stefano de Gironcoli Ammonia Synthesis on Proton-enriched Palladium Substrate cm
Tatiana Skrbic 2009 Saverio Moroni
Stefano Baroni
Dynamics of doped 4He and 3He clusters from reptation quantum Monte Carlo cm
Lorenzo Sindoni 2009 S. Liberati Emergent Gravity : The Analogue Models Perspective Post-doc at Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany app
Enrico Barausse 2008 L. Rezzolla, J. Miller Exploring gravity theories with gravitational waves and compact objects ? ap
Marcella Massardi 2008 G. De Zotti, R. Ekers, L. Danese
The extragalactic CMB foregrounds at mm wavelengths ? ap
Marcos Valdes 2008 A. Ferrara Investigating reionization and dark matter through HI 21 cm line radiation ? ap
Federico Stivoli 2008 C. Baccigalupi Hunting B-modes in CMB polarization observations ? ap
Huy-Viet Nguyen 2008 Stefano de Gironcoli Efficient calculation of RPA correlation energy in the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation theory cm
Maria Elisabetta Pezzoli 2008 Michele Fabrizio
Federico Becca
Disorder and interaction: ground state properties of the disordered Hubbard model cm
Luca Fausto Tocchio 2008 Sandro Sorella
Federico Becca
A new variational wave function with backflow correlations for frustrated Hubbard models cm
Luca Maccione 2008 S. Liberati,
A. Celotti
High Energy Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays and Fundamental Physics TNG Technology Consulting GmbH app
Christiane Frigerio Martins 2008 P. Salucci The distribution of the dark matter in galaxies as the imprint of its nature Researcher at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil app
Marco Regis 2008 P. Ullio Aspects of WIMP dark matter: Multi-wavelength signals and extra-dimension scenarios Post-doc at Cape Town University app
Christoph Rahmede 2008 R. Percacci,
S. Liberati
Investigating the ultraviolet properties of gravity with a Wilsonian renormalization group equation Researcher at Karlsruhe University app
Carmelita Carbone 2007 C. Baccigalupi Non-linear structure formation and cosmic radiation backgrounds ? ap
Simona Gallerani 2007 A. Ferrara Reionization signatures in quasar absorption spectra ? ap
Chiara Tonini 2007 A. Lapi, P. Salucci The role of galaxy formation in the structure and dynamics of dark matter halos ? ap
Irina Yegorova 2007 P. Salucci Dark matter in spiral galaxies ? ap
Paola Gava 2007 Stefano de Gironcoli
Anton Kokalj
Modeling the catalyst selectivity in the ethylene epoxidation reaction A first principles study cm
Sandra Patricia Gonzalez Camelo 2007 Stefano Fantoni BCS superfluid Fermi systems with large scattering length cm
Yungfeng Liang 2007 Sandro Scandolo Modelling structure, phase transition, and vibrational spectroscopy of silica at extreme conditions cm
Massimo Lugas 2007 Sandro Sorella
Federico Becca
d-wave Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in strongly correlated systems by a new variational approach cm
Javier Antonio Montoya Martinez 2007 Sandro Scandolo
Roger Rousseau
Ab-initio study on synthesis of new materials at high pressure transition-metal nitrides and non-molecular CO2 phases cm
Adriano Mosca Conte 2007 Stefano Baroni
Stefano Fabris
Quantum mechanical modeling of nano magnetism: new tools based on Density-Functional theory with case applications to solids, surfaces, wires, and molecules cm
Dario Rocca 2007 Stefano Baroni
Ralph Gebauer
Time-Dependent Density Functional Perturbation Theory New algorithms with applications to molecular spectra cm
Antonio Suriano 2007 Stefano Baroni Quantum mechanical modeling of the chemical reactivity of metal surfaces: two case studies involving water formation and dissociation cm
Thomas Sotiriou 2007 S. Liberati
J. Miller
Modified Actions for Gravity: Theory and Phenomenology Reader at the Nottingham University app
Viviana Acquaviva 2006 C. Baccigalupi Weak Lensing and Cosmic Acceleration ? ap
Lucia Ballo 2006 S. Cristiani, L. Danese, A. Celotti Low intermediate luminosity AGNs: from their X-ray emission to their SMBHs ? ap
Bruno Giacomazzo 2006 L. Rezzolla General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics: fundamental aspects and applications ? ap
Daniele Malesani 2006 G. Chincarini, A. Celotti Progenitors for long and short gamma-ray bursts ? ap
Jirong Mao 2006 A. Lapi, L. Danese Joint Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies at High Redshift (AGN Luminosity Functions and Protogalactic Reionization) ? ap
Michela Mapelli 2006 A. Ferrara Relic Signatures of Reionization Sources ? ap
Mattia Negrello 2006 G. De Zotti, M. Magliocchetti Clustering at high redshift: the sub-millimeter and radio views ? ap
Ilia Musco 2006 J. C. Miller Formation of primordial black holes ? ap
Manuela Capello 2006 Sandro Sorella
Michele Fabrizio
Federico Becca
Variational description of Mott insulators cm
Michel Ferrero 2006 Michele Fabrizio
Federico Becca
Competing Mechanism in Strongly Correlated Systems Close to a Mott Insulator cm
Stefano Paolini 2006 Stefano Baroni
Saverio Moroni
Rotational dynamics of molecular impurities of solvated 4He clusters: a computational study based on reptation quantum Monte Carlo cm
Francesca Annibali 2005 A. Bressan, L. Danese Stellar Populations in Field Early-Type Galaxies ? ap
Zeljka Bosnjak 2005 A. Celotti, G. Ghirlanda Gamma Ray Bursts: clues from the spectra and variability of the prompt phase ? ap
Fabio Giovi 2005 C. Baccigalupi Enlightening dark energy with the CMB three point correlation function ? ap
Francesco Shankar 2005 L. Danese, P. Salucci, A. Lapi Super-massive Black Holes: the missing link in galaxy evolution ? ap
Sara Tinti 2005 G. De Zotti, A. Celotti, D. Dallacasa The demography of the youngest radio sources ? ap
Claudio Attaccalite 2005 Sandro Sorella RVB phase of hydrogen at high pressure: towards the first ab-initio Molecular Dynamics by Quantum Monte Carlo cm
Demian Battaglia 2005 Giuseppe Santoro
Riccardo Zecchina
Survey Propagation Methods For Efficient Optimization and Probing of Glassy States cm
Michele Casula 2005 Sandro Sorella New QMC approaches for the simulation of electronic systems: a first application to aromatic molecules and transition metal compounds cm
Guido Fratesi 2005 Stefano de Gironcoli Low temperature methane-to-methanol conversion on transition metal surfaces cm
Carlo Sbraccia 2005 Stefano Baroni
Pier Luigi Silvestrelli
Computer Simulation of Thermally Activated Processes: Theory, Algorithms, and a Few Case Applications to Surface Chemistry cm
Lorenzo Stella 2005 Giuseppe Santoro
Erio Tosatti
Studies of Classical and Quantum Annealing cm
Tania Zykova 2005 Erio Tosatti High temperature physics and nanofriction properties of alkali halide surfaces cm
Michele Cirasuolo 2004 L. Danese, M. Magliocchetti, A. Celotti AGN outflows and galaxy formation ? ap
Ruben Salvaterra 2004 A. Ferrara First Cosmic Light ? ap
Roberto Ricci 2004 L. Danese, G. De Zotti, R. D. Ekers High-frequency properties of extragalactic radio sources ? ap
Danilo Marchesini 2004 A. Celotti, L. Ferrarese Nuclear properties of radio-loud active nuclei and their unification ? ap
Pedro J. Montero 2004 J. C. Miller, L. Rezzolla Accretion tori around black hole ? ap
Luca Baiotti 2004 L. Rezzolla Numerical relativity simulations of non-vacuum spacetimes in three dimensions ? ap
Lorenzo De Leo 2004 Michele Fabrizio Non-Fermi liquid behavior in multi-orbital Anderson impurity models and possible relevance for strongly correlated lattice models cm
Mahdi Zarea Ahmadabadi 2003 Alexander A. Nersesyan
Michele Fabrizio
Role of frustration in quantum spin chains and ladders: a field theory approach cm
Oleg Chalaev 2003 Vladimir Kravtsov Nonequilibrium persistent current in mesoscopic disordered systems cm
Paola Mosconi 2003 Giuseppe Mussardo Ghost models in two-dimensional condensed matter physics cm
Giuliano Orso 2003 Pieralberto Marchetti
Lu Yu
Spin-charge gauge approach to HTS cuprates: theory versus experiments cm
Evgenij Plekhanov 2003 Michele Fabrizio
Sandro Sorella
Hubbard U enhanced superconductivity cm
Vanessa Mangano 2002 A. Celotti, J. C. Miller Dynamical and radiative evolution of fireball ? ap
Annamaria Borriello 2002 P. Salucci Cored Dark Halos Around Galaxies - The Evidence of a Turning Point in the Knowledge of Our Universe ? ap
Giuliano Taffoni 2002 L. Danese, P. Monaco Formation and Evolution of Dark Matter Haloes in Hierarchical Models for Structure Formation ? ap
Olindo Zanotti 2002 L. Rezzolla, J. C. Miller Numerical Relativistic Hydrodynamics: New Ideas and Applications ? ap
Donatella Romano 2002 L. Danese, F. Matteucci Chemical Evolution and Galaxy Formation ? ap
Giancarlo Ghirlanda 2002 A. Celotti, G. Ghisellini, M. Tavani Spectral Evolution of GRBs: New Insights Into Their Physics ? ap
Joachim Almergren 2002 J. C. Miller Energy and Rotation in Relativistic Astrophysics ? ap
Pasquale Panuzzo 2002 L. Danese, A. Bressan, G. L. Granato Dust and Nebular Emission in Star Forming Galaxies ? ap
Roberta Paladini 2002 G. De Zotti, R. Davies, L. Danese The Warm Ionized Gas Thin Layer ? ap
Abouazza Elmhamdi 2002 I. J. Danziger, J. C. Miller Physical Interpretations of Observations of Core Collapse SNe ? ap
Davide Ceresoli 2002 Erio Tosatti Berry Phase Calculation of the Rotational and Pseudorotational g-factor in Molecules and Solids cm
Matteo Cococcioni 2002 Stefano de Gironcoli A LDA+U study of selected iron compounds cm
Luca Dell'Anna 2002 Michele Fabrizio
Claudi Castellani
Disordered d-wave superconductors: the role of nesting and interactions in transport properties cm
Paul Tangney 2002 Sandro Scandolo Improving molecular-dynamics simulations of simple ionic systems cm
Ilaria Cagnoni 2001 A. Celotti, M. Elvis Galaxy formation:Physical and cosmological relevance of rare and extreme sources ? ap
Enrichetta Iodice 2001 M. Arnaboldi, L. S. Sparke, P. Salucci Formation scenarios for polar ring galaxies ? ap
Geraldo Ballabio 2001 Erio Tosatti
Sandro Scandolo
Stefano de Gironcoli
Some Theoretical Surprises on a Germanium Surface cm
Andrea Trombettoni 2001 Stefano Fantoni
Augusto Smerzi
Discrete Nonlinear Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates cm
Stefano Liberati 2000 D. W. Sciama, M. Visser, J. C. Miller Quantum Vacuum Effects in Gravitational Fields: Theory and Detectability ? ap
Massimo Marengo 2000 D. W. Sciama, G. Fazio, J. C. Miller Mid-IR Observations and Modeling of Astrophysical Dust - AGB Cirumstellar Envelopes and ICM Dust ? ap
You-Hong Zhang 2000 A. Celotti, A. Treves X-ray Variability of Blazars ? ap
Marco Chiaberge 2000 A. Celotti, S. Capetti The Hubble Space Telescope View of the Nuclei of Radio Galaxies ? ap
Andrea Martocchia 2000 V. Karas, G. Matt, J. C. Miller X-ray Spectral Signatures of Accreting Black Holes ? ap
Francesca Perrotta 2000 L. Danese, S. Matarrese Cosmologies with a Dynamical Vacuum Energy ? ap
Cesario Lia 2000 G. Carraro, P. Salucci Galaxy formation: Highlights from Galactic Scales ? ap
Federico Becca 2000 Sandro Sorella Electronic properties driven by strong correlation cm
Massimo Capone 2000 Michele Fabrizio
Erio Tosatti
The Mott Transition: Role of Frustration and Orbital Degeneracy cm
Luca Capriotti 2000 Sandro Sorella Quantum effects and broken symmetry in frustrated antiferromagnets cm
Gabriele Cipriani 2000 Andrea Dal Corso
Stefano de Gironcoli
Stefano Baroni
Ab-initio study of oxygen adsorption on selected transition metal surfaces cm
Fu-Kun Liu 1999 A. Lanza, J.C. Miller Relativistic Hydrodynamics for Gamma-Ray Burst Models ? ap
Cristiano Porciani 1999 D. W. Sciama, S. Matarrese Clustering Properties of Dark Matter Haloes in Hierarchical Models for Structure Formation in the Universe ? ap
Valentina D'Odorico 1999 L. Danese, S. Cristiani Quasar Absorption Spectra: Probes of the Baryonic Gas at High Redshift ? ap
Davide Maino 1999 M. Bersanelli, L. Danese The Planck-LFI: a Study of Instrumental and Astrophysical Effects ? ap
Laura Silva 1999 L. Danese, G. L. Granato Modelling the SED Evolution of Dusty Galaxies and Applications ? ap
Matteo Calandra 1999 Sandro Sorella Superconductivity from strong electron correlation cm
Lorenzo De Santis 1999 Raffaele Resta
Paolo Carloni
Theory of electron localization function and its applications: Surfaces, impurities, and enzymatic catalysis cm
Alessandro Laio 1999 Guido Chiarotti
Sandro Scandolo
Erio Tosatti
Simulation of Iron at Earth's Core Conditions cm
Michele Lazzeri 1999 Stefano de Gironcoli A first principles study of the thermal expansion in some metallic surfaces cm
Bruce Bassett 1998 D. W. Sciama Visions of the End of Inflation ? ap
Giovanni Fossati 1998 A. Celotti, G. Ghisellini A Unifying View on Blazars ? ap
Elena Pierpaoli 1998 L. Danese, S. Bonometto Large Scale Structure and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies as Tests of Dark Matter Models ? ap
Carlo Cavazzoni 1998 Guido Chiarotti
Sandro Scandolo
Large Scale First-Principles Simulations of Water and Ammonia at High Pressure and Temperature cm
Cecilia Clementi 1998 Amos Maritan Effective potentials for protein folding models cm
Stefano Giovanazzi 1998 Stefano Fantoni
Augusto Smerzi
Macroscopic Quantum Coherence Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates cm
Daniele Passerone 1998 Erio Tosatti
Furio Ercolessi
Guido Chiarotti
Structural Order and Thermal Disorder at the Surface of Selected Crystals: Theory and Simulations cm
Jianmin Liu 1997 D. W. Sciama Intergalactic Medium at High Redshifts ? ap
Alejandra Melfo 1997 G. Senjanovic, D. W. Sciama Broken Symmetries at High Temperature as a Solution to the Domain Wall and Monopole Problems ? ap
Claudio Gheller 1997 J. C. Miller, O. Pantano, L. Moscardini A High Resolution Hydrodynamical Code for the Study of Cosmological Structures ? ap
Silvia Zane 1997 J.C. Miller, A. Treves, R. Turolla Relativistic Radiative Transfer for Accretion Flows onto Neutron Stars and Black Holes ? ap
Dario Alfe 1997 Stefano Baroni First Principles Study of Two Rhodium Surfaces upon Carbon-Monoxide and Oxygen Adsorption cm
Orion Ciftja 1997 Stefano Fantoni Variational Study of two Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems: Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Atomic He3 at Zero Temperature cm
Alice Ruini 1997 Raffaele Resta
Stefano Baroni
Dynamical Charges at Surfaces and Interfaces: Their Role in the Schottky Barrier Problem cm
Antonino Marco Saitta 1997 Stefano de Gironcoli
Stefano Baroni
Theoretical study of the structural, thermodynamic and electronic properties of quaternary semiconductor alloy: (Zn,Mg)(S,Se) cm
Claudio Tebaldi 1997 Attilio L. Stella
Amos Maritan
Rare events dominance in non equilibrium critical phenomena: selected examples cm
Marco Cavaglià 1996 V. de Alfaro, D.W. Sciama Quantisation of Gauge Systems: Application to Minisuperspace Models in Canonical Quantum Gravity ? ap
GianLuca Israel 1996 L. Stella, A. Treves A Systematic Research of New X-ray Pulsators in ROSAT Fields ? ap
Luciano Rezzolla 1996 J. C. Miller General Relativistic Hydrodynamics of Compressible Multicomponent Fluids: Developments and Applications ? ap
Lucian Anton 1996 Amos Maritan Diffusion approach to non-equilibrium extremal dynamics cm
Guido Caldarelli 1996 Amos Maritan
Attilio L. Stella
From self organized criticality to patters formation. Theoretical aspects, occurence in nature. cm
Francesca Colaiori 1996 Amos Maritan
River networks dynamics, branching patterns and aggregation phenomena cm
Paolo De Los Rios 1996 Amos Maritan Strongly disordered systems from polymer statistics to phase transitions cm
Alessandro Flammini 1996 Amos Maritan Scaling behavior for models of river network cm
Franjo Franjic 1996 Sandro Sorella A Variational Approach to Strongly Correlated Systems cm
Zhong-Yi Lu 1996 Guido Chiarotti
Sandro Scandolo
Erio Tosatti
First-principles study of a-Sn surfaces cm
Michele Vendruscolo 1996 Amos Maritan Folding, stability and design of proteins cm
Alejandro Gangui 1995 D. W. Sciama Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies and Theories of the Early Universe ? ap
Kamilla Piotrkowska 1995 D. W. Sciama Renormalization Group, Coarse-Graining and Critical Phenomena in Cosmology ? ap
Enzo Branchini 1995 D. W. Sciama Reconstructing the Cosmic Density and Velocity Fields ? ap
Miguel Chavez Dagost 1995 A. Treves, M. L. Malagnini Absorption Line Spectral Indices in Stars and Stellar Systems ? ap
Antonio Walter Riotto 1995 D. W. Sciama Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Adiabatic Limit ? ap
Luca Zampieri 1995 A. Treves, J. C. Miller, R. Turolla Relativistic Radiation Hydrodynamics in Spherical Flows and Applications to Accretion onto Computer Objects ? ap
Marco Airoldi 1995 Michele Fabrizio
Giuseppe Santoro
Alberto Parola
Erio Tosatti
Selected Problems in Strongly Correlated Electronic Models cm
Claudia Bungaro 1995 Stefano Baroni
Stefano de Gironcoli
Dynamical Properties of Clean and H-covered W(110) Surfaces cm
Alberto Debernardi 1995 Stefano Baroni Anharmonic Properties of Semiconductors from Density Functional Perturbation Theory cm
Francesco D. Di Tolla 1995 Furio Ercolessi
Erio Tosatti
Interplay of Melting, Wetting, Overheating and Faceting on Metal Surface: Theory and Simulations cm
Nicola Manini 1995 Erio Tosatti Electron-Vibron Coupling in Charged Fullerene, Berry Phase and Superconductivity cm
Piercarlo Bonifacio 1994 D. W. Sciama, M. Hack Chemical Abundances in Three Population II Stars ? ap
Li Cai Deng 1994 D. W. Sciama, C. Chiosi Understanding the HR Diagram of Massive Stars ? ap
Paolo Catelan 1994 D. W. Sciama Statistical Properties of the Large-Scale Distribution of Matter and Velocity Fields in the Universe ? ap
Hugo Aurelio Morales-Técotl 1994 G. F. R. Ellis On Spacetime and Matter at Planck Length ? ap
Francesco Haardt 1994 A. Treves High Energy Processes in Seyfert Galaxies ? ap
Elena Pian 1994 A. Treves The Broad-Band Energy Distribution of Ultraviolet-Bright Blazars ? ap
Rita Maria Sambruna 1994 L. Maraschi, A. Treves, M. Urry The X-ray Properties of Blazars ? ap
Paolo Focher 1994 Michele Parrinello
Guido Chiarotti
First-principle studies of structural phase transformations cm
Matteo Marsili 1994 Amos Maritan From interface growth to dynamics in disordered media and self organized criticality cm
Francesco Mauri 1994 Roberto Car New developments in quantum molecular dynamics: excited state dynamics and large scale simulations cm
Francesco Pederiva 1994 Stefano Fantoni
Luciano Reatto
Quantum theory of non-homogeneous phases of Helium cm
Qingfeng Zhong 1994 Sandro Sorella Numerical study of strongly correlated electron systems cm
Gianluigi Granato 1993 A. Treves, L. Danese A Study of a Sample of Optically Selected AGNs ? ap
Joseph Edward Pesce 1993 A. Treves, R. Falomo The Environments of BL Lacertae Objects ? ap
Nicola Caon 1993 D. W. Sciama, M. Capaccioli The Manifold of Hot Galaxian Components ? ap
Marco Bernasconi 1993 Erio Tosatti
Guido Chiarotti
Ab initio calculation of structural and electronic properties of alfa-Ga surfaces cm
Marco Buongiorno Nardelli 1993 Stefano Baroni Phonon softening and high-pressure low-simmetry phases of cesium halides from first-principles techniques cm
Andrea Dal Corso 1993 Raffaele Resta
Stefano Baroni
Density Functional Theory beyond the Pseudopotential Local Density Approach: a Few Cases Studies cm
Michela Di Stasio 1993 Giuseppe Morandi
Arturo Tagliacozzo
From quantum Spins to correlated fermions: a new strong coupling method cm
Alberto Franceschetti 1993 Stefano Baroni Density-functional theory without orbitals: a path towards very large scale electronic structure calculations cm
Guido Goldoni 1993 Annalisa Fasolino Properties of spin-orbit coupled bands in semiconductors heterostructures cm
Roman Martonak 1993 Erio Tosatti Models of quantum paraelectric behaviour of Perovskites cm
Vincenzo Antonuccio 1992 D. W. Sciama Dynamical Friction and the Evolution of Clusters of Galaxies ? ap
Magda Arnaboldi 1992 D. W. Sciama, M. Capaccioli, L. Sparke Dynamics and Evolution of Polar Ring Galaxies ? ap
Marisa Girardi 1992 D. W. Sciama Nearby Galaxy Clusters: Sizes and Velocity Dispersion ? ap
Yi-Peng Jing 1992 D. W. Sciama Large-Scale Clustering in the Universe ? ap
Antony Valentini 1992 D. W. Sciama On the Pilot-Wave Theory of Classical, Quantum and Subquantum Physics ? ap
Stefano Borgani 1992 G. F. R. Ellis Scaling Properties of the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe ? ap
Alberto Carlini 1992 D. W. Sciama, M. Martellini Spacetime Wormholes, Stringy Black Holes and 5th Time Gravity ? ap
Gang Bao 1992 M. Abramowicz, A. Treves "Hot Spot" Model and Short Term X-Ray Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei ? ap
Annalisa Celotti 1992 A. C. Fabian, A. Treves The Role of Syncrotron and Self Compton Radiation in Active Galactic Nuclei ? ap
Michele Fabrizio 1992 Erio Tosatti
Alberto Parola
New results for interacting Fermi systems: the 2D Hubbard model at low density and the two coupled chain problem cm
Andrea Ferrante 1992 Stefano Fantoni
Mario P. Tosi
Auxiliary variables in classical and quantum liquids cm
Jose' Lorenzana 1992 Yu Lu Doping states in cuprate oxide superconductors cm
Giorgio Mazzeo 1992 Giancarlo Jug
Erio Tosatti
Interplay between surface in-plane ordering and roughening cm
Pier Luigi Silvestrelli 1992 Stefano Baroni
Roberto Car
Auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo for systems with repusive interactions cm
Xiaoqun Wang 1992 Stefano Fantoni
Erio Tosatti
Yu Lu
Variational studies on the Hubbard model within the FHNC theory cm
Valerio Faraoni 1991 G. F. R. Ellis Studies on Gravitational Waves
? ap
Philip Cuddeford 1991 D. W. Sciama Studies of the Dynamics of Galaxies in Equilibrium
? ap
Paola Marziani 1991 D. W. Sciama, M. Calvani, P. Rafanelli Accretion Flows in Active Galaxies ? ap
Claudia Maria Raiteri 1991 D. W. Sciama, R. Gallino The Astrophysical Origin of the s-Elements
? ap
Yaqub Anini 1991 D. W. Sciama Quantum Cosmology and the Origin of the Universe ? ap
Marco Bruni 1991 G. F. R. Ellis Covariant and Gauge-Invariant Cosmological Perturbations ? ap
Mauro D'Onofrio 1991 G. F. R. Ellis, M. Capaccioli Studies of Stellar Components in Spiral Galaxies ? ap
Ravi Kumar Gulati 1991 D. W. Sciama The Mg Index for Stellar Population Studies ? ap
Miklos Gulacsi 1991 Andrea C. Levi Study and solution of the five-vertex model cm
Pasquale Pavone 1991 Stefano Baroni Lattice Dynamics of Semiconductors from Density-Functional Perturbation Theory cm
Armando Pisani 1990 D. W. Sciama The Mass Distribution Function of Group of Galaxies
? ap
Alessandro Romeo 1990 D. W. Sciama Stability of Secular Heating of Galactic Discs
? ap
Sebastiano Sonego 1990 D. W. Sciama On the Compatibility of Quantum Matter and Classical Gravity
? ap
José Acosta Pulido 1990 M. Calvani Extended Narrow Line Region in Seyfert Galaxies: Photoionization by Thick Accretion Disk Emission
? ap
Silvia Mollerach 1990 D. W. Sciama Energy Density Perturbations in Two-Field Inflationary Models
? ap
Mauro Orlandini 1990 F. Frontera, M. Calvani Time Properties of Two Wind Fed X-Ray Binary Pulsars Observed with EXOSAT: 4U 1538-52 and GX 301-2
? ap
Tomaz Zwitter 1990 M. Calvani The Binary System SS433
? ap
Zeenet Badirkhan 1990 Mario P. Tosi Density functional theory of freezing: some applications cm
Xiaojie Chen 1990 Andrea C. Levi
Erio Tosatti
New theoretical results and simulations of surface melting cm
Enrico Smargiassi 1990 Roberto Car Lattice vacancies and diffusion processes in crystalline silicon: a first-principles molecular dynamics study cm
Ivan Stich 1990 Roberto Car
Michele Parrinello
First principles molecular dynamics study of liquid and amorphous silicon cm
Francesco Buda 1989 Roberto Car
Michele Parrinello
Hydrogen in silicon: a first principles molecular dynamics study cm
Maria Peressi 1989 Alfonso Baldereschi
Stefano Baroni
Energy-Band Discontinuities at Lattice-Matched Semiconductor Heterojunctions cm
Sandro Sorella 1989 Michele Parrinello
Stefano Baroni
Roberto Car
Erio Tosatti
A Novel Technique for the Simulation of Interacting Fermion Systems cm
Li Wang 1989 Mario P. Tosi Concentration fluctuations in liquid metal alloys cm
Xiaoqian Wang 1989 Erio Tosatti
Stefano Fantoni
Correlated basis function method for fermions on a lattice: applications to the Hubbard model cm
Linfang Xu 1989 Annabella Selloni
Michele Parrinello
Quantum molecular dynamics study of dilute Na-NaBr liquid solutions cm
Qiming Zhang 1989 Annabella Selloni
Roberto Car
Michele Parrinello
First-principle molecular dynamics simulations of disordered GaAs cm
Antonella Porri 1988 R. Stalio Radial and Non-Radial Pulsation Modelling in Early Type Stars
? ap
Roberto Scaramella 1988 D. W. Sciama Studies on the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
? ap
Cong Xu 1988 G. De Zotti Markarian Galaxies
? ap
Levent Denizman 1988 M. Hack Optical and UU Spectroscopy of Be/Shell and Supergiant Stars
? ap
Paola Mazzei 1988 G. Barbaro Multicomponent Models of the Intrastellar Medium and Star Formation
? ap
Ewa Szuszkiewicz 1988 M. Abramowicz Slim Accretion Disk
? ap
Francesco Ancilotto 1988 Annalisa Fasolino
Annabella Selloni
Erio Tosatti
Theoretical investigations of optical absorption and of tunneling behaviour of heterostructures in strong magnetic fields cm
Anna Bartolini 1988 Erio Tosatti
Furio Ercolessi
Low-index surfaces reconstruction and its influence on vicinal surfaces: the case of AU (100) and AU (111) cm
Mark Dubal 1987 D. W. Sciama Numerical Computations in General Relativity
? ap
Piergiovanni Madau 1987 M. Abramowicz Theoretical Models of Active Galactic Nuclei
? ap
Gabriele Ghisellini 1987 R. Svensson, M. Abramowicz Non Thermal Radiative Processes in Compact Sources
? ap
Steno Ferluga 1987 M. Hack The Eclipsing Companion of Epsilon Aurigae ? ap
Paolo Molaro 1987 D. W. Sciama Determination of the Abundances of Lithium, Berylium and Boron in the Population II Stars in the Interstellar Space of the Large Magellanic Cloud
? ap
Ornella Pantano 1987 S. A. Bonometto, J. C. Miller A study of the cosmological quark-hadron transition ? ap
Furio Ercolessi 1987 Erio Tosatti
Michele Parinello
Molecular dynamics studies of gold: bulk, defects, surfaces and clusters cm
Abdallah Qteish 1987 Raffaele Resta Ab-initio study of Si-Ge alloys and ultra-thin superlattices cm
Cai-zhuang Wang 1987 Erio Tosatti
Michele Parrinello
A molecular dynamics study of the displacive surface recostruction phase transitions cm
Omer Blaes 1986 M. Abramowicz The Stability of Thick Accretion Disks
? ap
Sudanagunta Manorama 1986 D. W. Sciama N-Body Computation of the Action of Dynamical Friction on Globular Clusters
? ap
Paolo Salucci 1986 D. W. Sciama Dark and Luminous Matter in Spiral Galaxies
? ap
Antonio Lanza 1986 M. Abramowicz Application of Multigrid to General Relativity
? ap
Alessandro Bressan 1986 C. Chiosi Non-Local Overshooting and Evolution of Single Stars ? ap
Giulia Galli 1986 Mario P. Tosi On the structure and bonding of neutral and ionized molecules cm
Jufu Lu 1985 M. Abramowicz Adiabatic Accretion onto a Black Hole
? ap
Andrzej Fleszar 1985 Raffaele Resta Dielectric response in semiconductors: theory and applications cm
Sandro Massidda 1985 A. Baldereschi Electronic properties of the compound with AlB2 structure. Self-consistent LAPW study of BeB2, AlB2, CaGa2, and TiB2 cm
Giorgio Pastore 1985 Mario P. Tosi Theory of the structure of charged liquids and some applications cm
Riccardo Valdarnini 1984 D. W. Sciama A Study of Inhomogeneities in Cosmological Models with Dark Matter Through Linear and Nonlinear Stages
? ap
Fu-Zhen Cheng 1984 L. Danese, G. De Zotti Seyfert 1 Galaxies (Observational Properties, Internal Reddening and Luminosity Function)
? ap
Chun-Da Chen 1984 Erio Tosatti Topics in the theory of two-dimensional electron systems cm
Bruno D'Aguanno 1984 Mario P. Tosi Freezing of ionic liquids in correlation to hot solid structure cm
Jerzy Glazer 1984 Erio Tosatti Theory of spin effects in electron-electron scattering in metals cm
Chuan Hong Chen 1983 Michele Parrinello Polymorphic transitions in alkali halides cm
Eduardo Roman 1983 Mario P. Tosi A study of physical properties of ionic systems cm
Yun Qiang Yu 1982 F. de Felice The Gravitational Collapse and the Issue of Final State ? ap
2018–2023 Pasquale Calabrese is the PI of the ERC Consolidator Grant n. 771536. The overall budget is about 1.5 M€ (SISSA is the only beneficiary). The main goal of the project is to find and characterise new non-equilibrium states of matter guided by their entanglement content.
More Information
2019–2022 This collaborative project from Italian ministry of research includes five research units: Trieste (Pasquale Calabrese and Giuseppe Mussardo), Florence experiment (Leonardo Fallani), Florence theory (Andrea Cappelli and Filippo Colomo), Padova (Simone Montangero), Pisa (Davide Rossini). National and SISSA coordinator: Pasquale Calabrese. Total budget ca. 800 k€, SISSA budget ca. 160 k€.
2019–2022 This collaborative project from Italian ministry of research includes five research units: Trieste (Andrea Gambassi, local SISSA coordinator and Stefano Ruffo), University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Angelo Vulpiani, national coordinator), CNR (Andrea Puglisi, Fabio Cecconi, Andrea Baldassarri, Paolo Politi), University of Camerino (Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi), University of Florence (Roberto Livi, Stefano Lepri, Lapo Casetti), University of Campania “Vanvitelli” (Eugenio Lippiello). Total budget ca. 1 115 k€, SISSA budget 178 k€.
(2019/ 2022)
The goal of this project is to study the origin of masses and flavour mixings of the elementary fermions, deriving experimental and theoretical implications of possible solutions to the flavour problem. On one hand, this will be done by means of theoretical investigation, following a new direction of research in which flavour arises as an accidental consequence of dynamical properties of a more fundamental theory. On the other hand, we will explore the phenomenology of new physics models in the flavour sector, taking advantage of the large amount of data that experiments will provide in the coming years. We will exploit the interplay of flavour and electroweak precision measurements and high-energy searches at colliders. Particular attention will be given to the study of lepton flavour universality violations, a topic that will be at the core of theoretical and experimental investigation in particle physics in the next few years. In this respect, we will study models that aim to explain in a coherent way the various experimental anomalies observed in B meson decays. The collaboration will include young researchers from INFN (Pisa,Trieste,Firenze) SISSA and La Sapienza. The main part of the funding will be used for hiring young postdoctoral researchers in order to form a strong and competitive team.
2018–2021 Andrea Trombettoni is the Italian responsible of this Italy–Hungary Joint Project (Accordo di Cooperazione Scientifica CNR/MTA Ungheria); Hungarian responsible: Istvan Nandori.
2017–2021 Andrea Trombettoni is the Vice-Chair of the COST Action CA16221.
2019–2020 Andrea Trombettoni is the Co-Recipient of MIT–FVG Collaboration Grant with P. Cappellaro (MIT) and S. Ruffo (SISSA).
2017–2020 Antonello Scardicchio is the PI of a Google Faculty Research Award for work related to quantum computing.
Total budget: 72 000 $ to support graduate students and postdocs.
(Feb 2017/ Feb 2020)
The purpose of this project is to promote the study of (supersymmetric) gauge theories and of string theory with particular emphasis on their non-perturbative aspects. The main tools that will be used to go beyond perturbation theory and get a handle on the strongly coupled dynamics are supersymmetry and holography. They both find a natural embedding in string theory. Over the years string theory has emerged as a compelling candidate for a unified quantum theory of all fundamental interactions including gravity, and has also provided many successful ideas to study quantum field theories not only in their perturbative regime but also at strong coupling. The primary challenge of this project is to establish a more solid and predictive connection among the various aspects of this research field. This project will be devoted to explore in particular the following topics: A) Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
B) Holography
C) Instanton Effects in Gauge and String Theories The participants in this project have complementary expertise, cover a wide range of topics in string and quantum field theories and have a good record of collaborations and interactions among them. In the past they have achieved several important results whose relevance is internationally acknowledged, as demonstrated by the number of “top-cited” papers they have published. All participants have been involved in past PRIN projects and have been members of European research and training networks in string theory and quantum field theory for many years. This project consists of the elaboration of theoretical models within a rapidly evolving context, which requires close contact and frequent interactions among scientists. Thus, to increase collaborations among the participating teams, we plan to organize common activities, for example informal workshops and periodic meetings, and to promote mobility of the participants. A substantial part of the budget will be devoted to hiring and training young post-docs.
(Feb 2017/ Feb 2020)
The discovery of a light, weakly interacting Higgs particle is the crowning achievement of the Standard Model, which completes a long series of tremendous successes. In spite of this, however, most of the fundamental questions about the constituents and the forces of Nature, and about the structure and composition of our Universe, remain unanswered. We mention here: the origin of the Higgs sector responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) and the generation of the masses of the fundamental particles; the origin and properties of flavor; the extreme weakness of gravity compared to the other forces in Nature and its quantization; matter antimatter asymmetry; inflation; the origin of dark matter (DM) and dark energy in the Universe. Each of these questions represents by itself a strong theoretical reason to go beyond the SM and it is conceivable that many of them have a common explanation. A deeper picture can only emerge from a combined approach which tries to explore simultaneously the experimental information coming from the energy frontier (precision measurements of the Higgs properties and searches of new particles at LHC), the intensity frontier (quark and lepton flavour physics) and the astroparticle and cosmological frontier. The main goal of this project consists in identifying coherent explanations of the different phenomena and fundamental questions by combining the vast experimental information coming from the forthcoming experiments, in particular from the LHC, with the most advanced theoretical developments. This objective requires a global strategy that makes use of strong competences in several different fields of investigation. In order to achieve this goal, we put together some of the leading particle physics theorists operating in Firenze, Napoli, Padova, Roma La Sapienza, Roma Tre, SNS and SISSA into a very experienced and strong team.
2018–2019 Hong Liu (MIT) and Erik Tonni (SISSA) are principal investigators on this project. MIT/SISSA collaboration supported by MISTI Global Seeds Funds (faculty funds): 15 200 $.
2019 Andrea Trombettoni is CNR responsible in the ACRI project “Functional and Renormalization Group Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics”. The project is coordinated by Gian Paolo Vacca (INFN – Bologna), and sponsored by ACRI (Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio Spa) under the Young Investigator Training Program 2018, intended to foster young international researchers and to promote their scientific collaboration with a network of Italian research institutions. It includes an opening for short term individual research fellowships: 6 young researchers will visit Trieste in September 2019 for a month. Within the project, the conference “Functional and Renormalization-Group methods – Italian Meeting (FRGIM 2019)” will be organized, taking place at ECT*, Trento, in the days 16-20 September 2019.
2017 Erik Tonni obtained funds from ACRI to support young researchers through individual fellowships (within 3 000 and 4 000 € each one). For young researchers in order to attend the program Entanglement in Quantum Systems at the Galileo Galilei Institute in June/July 2018 and to visit another research institute in Italy. Total budget: 48 750 €.
More Information
2017 Andrea Gambassi
FFABR was a special fund (active only in 2017, 3 000 €) of the Italian Ministry of University, Research and Education for supporting basic research activities. It was assigned on a competitive basis to researchers and associate professors, selected on the basis of their research achievements.
More Information
All permanent members of the group participate to the “Iniziativa specifica INFN” Statistical Field Theory (former FI 11) of which Giuseppe Mussardo is the National coordinator since 2014.
SISSA will develop theoretical and phenomenological models for testing the nature of astrophysical black holes and their correspondence to the expected solution of general relativity.
This project, anchored to the science plan of the LISA Science Group, involves 4 Units (Milan, Rome, Trento and Trieste). The scientists in Trento are deputy leaders entitled of key roles in the LIG. Prof. Vitale has been PI of the LPF mission with his team in charge of the instrument development. Those in Milano Bicocca are all in the LC with the PI member of the LC Board and of the ESST. The team conducted key studies for the development of the LISA science case. The scientists of La Sapienza and SISSA have world-wide, leading expertise in theoretical and phenomenological aspect of gravitation beyond GR. The proposal, located at the interface between astrophysics, gravitation and experimental physics, aims at strengthening the Italian contribution within the Lisa Consortium.
PI Nazionale: Monica Colpi (Milano Bicocca)
PI SISSA: Stefano Liberati
Total grant € 143,000
Elusives is a European ITN project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015//674896-ELUSIVES, April 2016-March 2020), which focuses on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection, with emphasis on the role of the symmetry relating matter and antimatter. Experimental and theoretical aspects are also encompassed. The network involves nodes in six European countries and its associated partners extend to seven non-European countries.

In memory of Professor Dennis Sciama (Head of the Astrophysics Sector of SISSA from 1983 to 1998), the Sciama Family has decided to finance bursaries to enable SISSA astrophysics or astroparticle physics postdoctoral fellows ("titolare di assegno di ricerca") to visit certain high-profile international institutes with which Prof. Sciama had particular connections. The intentions is for these to be working visits aimed at fostering links and establishing possible ongoing collaborations (link).

Total funding: 280.600 euros, of which 55.200 SISSA, January 2022- December 2025

PI SISSA: Enrico Barausse

The landmark detection of gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by merging black-hole and neutron-star binaries have opened a new era in physics. The wealth of data coming from current and future GW detectors (such as 3G, LISA, PTA) will provide an opportunity to challenge current paradigms, exploring fundamental physics from an entirely new perspective. In this new observational window, we could learn that general relativity is not adequate to describe the strong-field regime of gravity; or that there exist new fundamental fields beyond the standard model, or new kinds of compact objects, challenging the current understanding of dark matter and dark energy. The proposed studies are classified into four groups with considerable overlap: i) Perturbation techniques in general relativity and beyond ii) Non-linear simulations of binary compact objects beyond general relativity iii) GWs from the dark universe iv) Data analysis for GW experiments.

Total funding: 1.993.920 euros, April 2019 - March 2024

PI SISSA: Enrico Barausse

General Relativity (GR) describes gravity on a huge range of scales, field strengths and velocities. However, despite its successes, GR has been showing its age. Cosmological data support the existence of a Dark Sector, but may also be interpreted as a breakdown of our understanding of gravity. Also, GR is intrinsically incompatible with quantum field theory, and should be replaced, at high energies, by a (still unknown) quantum theory of gravity. GRAMS is a high-risk/high-gain project seeking to investigate the implications of LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave observations on this theoretical picture, by exploring whether those observations are consistent with gravitational theories built to reproduce the large-scale behaviour of the Universe (i.e. the existence of Dark Energy and/or Dark Matter), while at the same time passing local tests of gravity thanks to non-perturbative screening mechanisms. GRAMS will provide the first numerical-relativity simulations of compact binaries ever in gravitational theories of interest for cosmology.

Total funding: $8250 USD, 2020-2021

PI SISSA: Enrico Barausse

The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), a European-led space mission with US/NASA participation, will probe GWs at milli-Hertz frequencies, making it possible to map the gravitational field of black holes millions of times larger than those detected by LIGO/Virgo. The project will address several open problems pertaining to LISA science, and particularly to a class of sources known as “extreme mass ratio inspirals”. We will produce models accurately describing the GW signals from these sources, and we will develop techniques to dis-entangle the many thousands of sources which LISA is expected to measure simultaneously.
ERC Advanced Grant
Modelling FIRST ORder Mott transition.
This theoretical project aims to explore the mechanisms underlying the first order nature of the Mott transition in real materials and its  conceptual and practical consequences.

MAX (MAterials design at the eXascale) is a European Centre of Excellence which enables materials modelling, simulations, discovery and design at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC) and data analytics technologies. The mission of MaX is to develop the technologies and make them available for large and growing base of researchers in the materials domain. MaX aims to lead the quantum materials discovery and design in frontier science and industrial technologies.
ERC Advanced-FP7
Friction plays a central role in diverse systems and phenomena that span vast ranges of scales, from the nanometer contacts inherent in micro- and nanomachines and biological molecular motors, to the geophysical scales characteristic for earthquakes. This project aims at clarifying many key aspects of the friction dynamics, which are still poorly understood despite the fundamental importance and and the growing efforts
ERC Starting-FP7
SUPERconductivity as a cure for BAD metallic behaviour
The aim of the project is revive the dream of a unique theoretical framework for cuprates, iron-based superconductors and fullerides. Superconductivity in all these materials is shown to appear to "heal" a bad metallic state determined by strong correlation effects.
EU(FP7)-Japan Cooperative project
Light Element Molecular SUPERconductivity
The project develops methodologies for the design of superconductors based on light elements (Boron, Carbon, Oxygen) combining synthesis, experimental characterization and theoretical modeling of a wide range of materials.

Corporate Grant
Multi-scale computer Modeling of the color optical properties of complex molecules in complex enviroments. Funded by MARS Chocolate Science & Technology.

The BiD4BEST ITN will offer doctoral training in one of the most visible areas of astrophysical research, the formation of supermassive black holes in galaxies. A coordinated research training effort in this field is needed now to mobilise the community in Europe and prepare a core group of young scientists in anticipation of new observational data in the early/mid 2020s from future space missions with strong European involvement. These data will have the quality and volume to yield transformational science on the formation of black-holes in galaxies, as long as the necessary expertise and synergies among observation, theory and data analytics exist within the European astronomy community. We propose to achieve this goal by setting up a research training network that brings together leading scientists in observational and theoretical studies of black holes and galaxies, industrial experts in cutting-edge big-data technologies, and professionals in science dissemination. Together, we will setup doctoral research projects each of which combines state-of-the-art observations, numerical simulations and innovative analytic tools to compare theory with observation and shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution. The training on expertise from different research areas (observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics) and sectors (academic, industrial) will be achieved by carefully designed secondments, mixed doctoral supervisory committees (academia, industry), well coordinated events for team communication and interaction, as well as network-wide courses on astrophysics and transferable skills. The proposed research training programme aspires to generate individuals that in addition to academic competences, master big-data analytics and have the capacity to apply these technologies to solve problems in different sectors (research, industry, non-academic) by developing innovative products and services.

A three year (2016-2019) program for studying diffuse polarization emission from our own Galaxy as a contaminant for CMB B-mode measurements. It is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (COMPET-05-2015) under grant agreement number 687312.

INFN specific initiative for studying Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe.

A three year study (2017-2020) funded by the Italian Space Agency for studying next generation CMB experiments, support to ongoing observations.

The Virgo-EGO Scientific Forum contributes to the further development of scientific knowledge around the Virgo gravitational wave detector.
2013–2017 Andrea Trombettoni is the PI of the Italian node of the collaborative European grant STREP “MatterWave” involving four European nodes.
2014–2016 Pasquale Calabrese is the PI of an ERC Starting grant n. 279391 (although started at University of Pisa, SISSA was beneficiary of most of the budget ca. 1.1 million €). The main goal of the project is to disentangle many body quantum systems characterising their entanglement content.
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2013–2015 Andrea Trombettoni is the Italian responsible of this Italy–Hungary Joint Project (Accordo di Cooperazione Scientifica CNR/MTA Ungheria); Hungarian responsible: Gabor Takacs. Other local participants: Gesualdo Delfino and Giuseppe Mussardo.
2010–2015 Giuseppe Mussardo is the chairman of the IRSES European Grant QICFT with nodes: Oxford (UK), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Madrid (Spain), Brookhaven National Labs (USA), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Hangzhou (China). Total budget ca. 500 k€
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2011–2014 Marie Curie Outgoing fellowship. Fellow Fabio Franchini. In MIT 2011–13 and in SISSA 2013–14.
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2005–2010 Giuseppe Mussardo is the chairmen of an ESF collaborative project between several European Universities in ten different countries (other local participants: Gesualdo Delfino, Pasquale Calabrese). Total budget ca. 500 k€
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2007–2009 National coordinator Stefano Fantoni (SISSA) (other local participants Giuseppe Mussardo, Andrea Trombettoni).
2006–2008 National coordinator A. Montorsi, local coordinator Giuseppe Mussardo (other local participant Gesualdo Delfino).
(Feb 2016/ Dec 2019)
RBI-T-WINNING provides funding for theoretical physics with the aim of supporting links among leading European research institutions. Intensive exchange of knowledge and experience will be organized between RBI and SISSA, CNRS/University of Paris-Sud Orsay, Ludwig Maximilian University and Niels Bohr Institute, covering a wide range of investigations within theoretical physics. The set of measures include staff exchanges, training, conferences, summer schools, dissemination and outreach activities for impact on the local community.
(Feb 2016/ Jan 2020)
InvisiblesPlus is a new Horizon2020 (H2020) Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project. The project (690575 - InvisiblesPlus - H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, February 2016- January 2020), will focus on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection, with emphasis on the role of the symmetry relating matter and antimatter. Experimental and theoretical aspects are also encompassed. The network involves 13 nodes in six European countries and its associated partners extend to nine non-European countries. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690575.
(Feb 2016/ Jan 2020)
Elusives is a European ITN project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015//674896-ELUSIVES, April 2016-March 2020), which focuses on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection. Phenomenological and theoretical aspects are also encompassed. The network involves nodes in six European countries and its associated partners extend to seven non-European countries. The mission of Elusives ITN is to form the new generation of researchers to accomplish the task of understanding the fundamental spects of neutrino mixng and the nature of Dark Matter and the possible connection, if any, between the two, focusing on phenomenology with the necessary link to experiment. This is the first transnational such program, exploiting the capital investment in new experiments and overcoming the fragmentation of the research effort. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 674896.

Student Training Program

External PhD students (especially foreign ones) can apply to this program so to have coverage of their local expenses while attending in SISSA some courses of our PhDs. The application can be send directly to the relevant PhD coordinators.

Visiting Student Program

This is a program aimed at offering a service to the national higher education system, by which Italian universities can setup agreements with us so to share graduate students, for example allowing external students to follow specific courses offered by the Area’s PhDs. Students in the program can also apply for the support provided by the Student Training Program in case of insufficient financing by their home institution. You can download a draft of the agreement template using the following link.
Visiting students program

We had collaborations with excellent physicist of great value from all over the world, who spent many months here in sissa to join our research groups for a research project. To cite few of the projects: