Sector's Preprints/Publications Database

We are going to abandon this database in favour of the institutional Digital Library Service Here is a test link ot our sector publications in the year 2010:

If you are/have been at SISSA and belong to this Sector, you are kindly requested to insert your preprints (corresponding to activity at SISSA) in the sector's website; at the end you will be automatically prompted for a preprint number request. If in addition you upload a file (only pdf), it will be forwarded to the SISSA digital library.


To insert/edit an entry in the sector's website, you should first obtain a password. If you (still) have an email address of the kind, you may obtain a new password (works also for lost passwords).

If you are not at SISSA any more but some of your papers are missing, or you wish to edit an old entry (e.g. to add publication infos), you may contact the who will give you a password.

Insertion of new Publication/Preprint

Once you obtained a password, you may insert a preprint/publication. Please do carefully follow the directions, to ensure homogeneity of informations.

Editing old entries

If you inserted a preprint/publication using your password, you may edit it to make corrections or add new infos (publications infos, doi,...). To this end, just search the database for it and click on the button below it.

If the paper was already there, just do the same thing: you may claim the right to edit it; the webmaster will assign you that paper.

Querying the database

It is possible to query the database.