Research in Theoretical Particle Physics
Theoretical Particle Physics
is traditionally one of the main research field in SISSA.
Its aim is to study and develop theories and models devoted to the
understanding and unification of the four fundamental interactions in Nature. Within this broad reasearch field, the group has traditionally been
focused on phenomenological as well as on more formal aspects. Below, you can find a more detailed description of those research topics which are presently pursued by the Board of Professors.
Phenomenology of fundamental interactions
In spite of its impressive success, the Standard Model of particle physics is believed to be the low energy manifestation of a more fundamental theory. A wide spectrum of experiments - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with neutrino, flavour and astroparticle experiments - is entering the unexplored territory lying beyond the electroweak scale, with the potential to lead to important breakthroughs in our understanding of fundamental physics.
The Theoretical Particle Physics group is focusing its present research on different aspects of particle physics phenomenology. Primarily on:
Theory of fundamental interactions
The present experiments in high energy physics and
in cosmology urge physicists to think at
the same time in terms of infinitely large (evolution
of the universe) and infinitely small (the world of
elementary particles). This in turn calls for a theory
able to describe all fundamental interactions in a unified way.
One of the best candidate for such a role at
present is superstring theory, an area our group has always been very active on. Alternative approaches towards the quantization of gravity are also investigated.
The Theoretical Particle Physics group has always been, and still is, very active in these research fields.
Recent focus is put, primarily, on the following topics: