course |
dates |
credits |
Supersymmetry II |
Apr 28 - Jun 5 |
5 |
teachers |
schedule |
term |
Matteo Bertolini
8:30 - 10:00 |
3 |
1. Non-perturbative effects and holomorphy
Instantons and anomalies in a nutshell
t'Hooft anomaly matching condition
Holomorphy and non-renormalization theorems
Holomorphic decoupling
2. Supersymmetric quantum dynamics: minimal supersymmetry
Confinement in QCD, YM and SYM theories
Phases of gauge theories: examples
N=1 SQCD: perturbative analysis
N=1 SQCD: non-perturbative dynamics
The phase diagram of N=1 SQCD
3. Dynamical Supersymmetry breaking
Calculable and non-calculable models: generalities
The one GUT family SU(5) model
The 3-2 model: instanton driven SUSY breaking
The 4-1 model: gaugino condensation driven SUSY breaking
The ITIY model: SUSY breaking with classical at directions
DSB into metastable vacua. A case study: massive SQCD
4. Supersymmetric quantum dynamics: extended supersymmetry
Low energy effective actions: classical and quantum
N=2 and N=4 moduli spaces
Monopoles, dyons and electric-magnetic duality: a recap
Seiberg-Witten theory: N=2 SU(2) pure SYM
Seiberg-Witten theory: generalizations
N=4 SYM: Montonen-Olive duality
All previous courses. In particular, the student should be knowledgeable in
- Advanced Quantum Field Theory I and II
- Differential Geometry and Group theory
- Supersymmetry I
M. Bertolini, "Supersymmetry - From the Basics to Exact Results in Gauge Theories"
Online Resources:
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