SISSA post-doctoral positions (String theory, QFT, QG and related topics)
The TPP group invites applications for several postdoctoral positions
funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant "Non-perturbative Dynamics of
Quantum Fields: from New Deconfined Phases of Matter to Quantum Black
Holes" (PI: F. Benini), the FARE grant "The Emergence of Quantum
Gravity from Strong Coupling Dynamics" (PI: F. Benini), and the ERC
Starting Grant "The Celestial Road to a Holographic Description of
Black Holes" (PI: L. Donnay).
SISSA post-doctoral positions (particle phenomenology and early universe)
The Theoretical Particle Physics (TPP) group at SISSA invites applications for several postdoctoral research positions, beginning in Fall 2025 for a two-year term, with a possible extension to a third year contingent upon funding.
Other positions
Announcements about other fellowships or positions can be found in the SISSA announcements page.