![]() | Newsletter #1 |
Welcome to the February issue of the SISSA Newsletter, which is published every two months and will provide news of interest to the community. Below, is the list of the news of this issue. Happy reading!
Index of the news:
- SISSA for Schools web!
- JCOM special issue on Covid-19
- Super Wi-Fi at SISSA
- Smart Working in the Strategic plan 21-23
- Two rooms named after Professors Dubrovin and Ambrosetti
- SISSA for women in Science
- Three webinars to boost talents' career
- SISSA Alumni Society: 140 members and still counting!
The SISSA FOR SCHOOLS (S4S) website is online. Designed to involve the public in the homonymous programme organised by Sissa Medialab on behalf of SISSA, it is dedicated to students of schools of every type and level and to their teachers. The website, managed by Sissa Medialab, is designed to facilitate the sharing of activities and materials (published weekly) inspired by the activities of the volunteers. The volunteers are the young students of SISSA who have been working to this project for eight years disseminating their research in physics, mathematics and neuroscience to the younger people.
Jcom special issue on Covid-19
A special issue dedicated to communication on Covid-19 of the Journal of Science Communication (JCOM) published by Sissa Medialab, is available online. Science communication plays a crucial role in managing the pandemic, as regards containment of the infection and, more in general, the public reception of the emergency. The pressure determined by the extraordinary situation has also led to a growth of research in the specific sector. This monographic edition gathers many personal stories of this unique situation and of pandemic communication practices.
Super Wi-Fi at SISSA
The work to expand Wi-Fi coverage of the main SISSA building, the Great Hall and the garden was completed in December 2020. 115 brand new Access Points now guarantee the maximum possible coverage to connect quickly and efficiently. The new devices also allow a larger number of connections and a stabler roaming service. Thanks to Eduroam authentication, the system will continue to guarantee access to visitors coming from other federated institutes by simply using the credentials of the home institution.More info here
Smart Working in the Strategic Plan 21-23
During the acute phases of the pandemic emergency almost 100% of School staff worked from home. Thanks to a rapid response to national guidelines, set out in the POLA-Smart Working Organisational Plan, smart working has now been inserted into the SISSA Strategic Plan 21-23. The document describes not only the great work done by SISSA in the last year and the levels reached to date, but also explains the future prospects in terms of organisational measures, technological requirements and training paths that structure it as an ordinary possibility of work.
Two rooms named after Professors Dubrovin and Ambrosetti
On the proposal of the Mathematical Department, two rooms of the Campus on Via Bonomea have been named after Antonio Ambrosetti and Boris Dubrovin, internationally acclaimed mathematicians who contributed to training generations of students at SISSA. Room 136 had already been named after Prof. Dubrovin, inventor, among others, of the definition of the varieties of Frobenius, the bridge between mathematical physics and differential, algebraic and symplectic geometry. Room 133 has been named after Prof. Ambrosetti, one of the theorisers of the Mountain Pass Theorem and of the Global Inversion Theorem with Singularity. An initiative similar to the award already established in 2020 to commemorate Prof. Dubrovin, will also be destined to the memory of Professor Ambrosetti. This will include awarding a medal to young researchers of exceptional talent every 2 years,
SISSA for women in science
To date, 116 is the number of expressions of interest received by the Physics Area and sent by young researchers for a tenure-track position (researcher letter b) in any of the fields covered by the Area. 101 expressions of interest come from foreign institutions. More info at this link.
We also would like to point out that according to the 2020 gender balance of the Polytechnic of Turin, our School remains in first place in the classification of the “Glass Ceiling Index (CGI) alongside the University IUAV of Venice. This index measures the variation in the percentage of women with career advancement and is defined as the ratio between the percentage of women hired in a given work structure with whatever role and those that cover organisational positions. More info at this link.
3 webinars to boost talents' career
What is really useful to start a career outside academia? Help is on the way, thanks to 3 webinars organised by the Innovation and Valorisation Office in association with student representatives and the SISSA Club. These events are part of the activities of Talent Development for PhD and postdoc, which want to provide students with prospects and tools to start a successful career path. The three appointments will focus on:
- The Job market, what companies are looking for in the process of acquiring new talents;
- Job Search Skills, suggestions and strategies for writing a CV and transmitting the right messages during a job interview;
- Personal Branding, find your strong points and use LinkedIn to optimise the potential of your contacts.
More info at this link.
SISSA Alumni Society: 140 members and still counting!
During 2020, the SISSA Alumni Society reached the significant number of 140 members, with an increase of 40 new members during the year. Set up in 2018, SISSA Alumni brings together former students of the School offering them a series of interesting opportunities and services. The activities already organised include “Tales from the After SISSA”, with two editions in 2020 in which former SISSA students talked about their professional career after SISSA, and a Newsletter published twice a year. Many other initiatives are in preparation. Former PhD or Master students can register at this address (the first year is free!).
SISSA Newsletter is a product by Cristina Cortelli, Marina D'Alessandro, Silvia Faion, Carmen Falcone, Erica Maran, Donato Ramani, Paola Rodari, Andrea Romanino, Federica Sgorbissa, Paolo Spezzati, Roberto Trotta
Technical support: Marco Giunta, Alessandro Tavecchio