Concorso per titoli e colloquio per il conferimento di una borsa di studio co-finanziata dal Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano, nell’ambito del corso di “Philosophiae Doctor” (Ph.D) in Scienza e Teoria dei Dati per l'anno accademico 2021/22.

29/07/2021 - 13:00  
to 31/08/2021 - 13:00
Submission Deadlines for Applications:
31/08/2021 - 13:00



Title of the project:                 Bioinformatics analysis on the study of ovarian cancer genetics

Fellowship:                             The yearly amount of the fellowships is, at the moment, of € 18.043,32 gross

Financing Bodies:                  SISSA (50%) – CRO Aviano (50%)

Duration of the programme: 4 years


  • Requirements:

The School welcomes applications from young candidates who are going to complete or soon after completion of their undergraduate studies with a strong interest in research.

To be admitted to the School, candidates must be in possession of one of the following degrees by 31 October, 2021:

Italian laurea or laurea specialistica/magistrale in a scientific subject;

A University degree obtained abroad and considered equivalent to the aforementioned Italian degrees by the governing bodies of the School (i.e. M.Sc.).

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