Enrico Barausse
- Position:
- Full Professor
- Affiliation:
- Email:
- [javascript protected email address]
- Office:
- 531
- Phone:
- +39 040 3787 867
- Webpage:
- https://grams-815673.wixsite.com/barausse
Research interests
- The astrophysics of massive black-hole binaries
- Testing General relativity with gravitational observations
- Gravitational-wave astronomy
ERC Consolidator Grant - GRavity from Astrophysical to Microscopic
Scales (GRAMS)
Funding: 1,993,920 euros; PI: Enrico Barausse
General Relativity describes gravity on a huge range of scales, field
strengths and velocities. However, despite its successes, GR has been
showing its age. Cosmological data support the existence of a Dark
Sector, but may also be interpreted as a breakdown of our
understanding of gravity. Indeed, gravitational theories can be built
to reproduce the large-scale behaviour of the Universe (i.e. the
existence of Dark Energy and/or Dark Matter) without any actual Dark
Sector, while at the same time passing local tests of gravity thanks
to non-perturbative screening mechanisms. GRAMS will explore the
possibility that this non-perturbative screening may fail in the
strong-field, highly dynamical systems that emit gravitational waves
for LIGO and Virgo. This will allow for using gravitational wave
observation to confirm or rule out a modified gravity origin for the
Dark Sector.
Personal webpageGRAMS
You can find the complete list of publications with the link below