
flight through a 60 Mpc/h box at z=3 (DM left and GAS right)
flight through a 60 Mpc/h box at z=3 (STARS left and Neutral hydrogen right)
gas distribution at z=0 60 Mpc/h 2x400^3 DM+GAS particles
Neutral hydrogen at z=0, hotter regions have little HI
Gas temperature at z=0
Gas in a cold dark matter universe (right) and warm (left) BLUE
Gas in a cold dark matter universe (left) and warm (right) RED

Conferenza liceo Marinelli (PDF)
SPACE ART Ottobre 2008 - Invito alla cosmologia .PPT

ALUT Associazione Laureati Universita' Trieste
Conferenza ALUT 21/10/09 .ppt MAC
Conferenza ALUT 21/10/09 movie nr 1
Conferenza ALUT 21/10/09 movie nr 2

Planetario Padova 2010
Conferenza Planetario Padova .ppt MAC

Presentation for ICTP wshop
.pptx format

Link to neutrino movies
.neutrino movies (probably the best is 3D neutrino and dark matter field interactions)