Past seminars 2010 (go back to current seminars)

When Where Who Title (Click for abstract)
Wed 22 Dec 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Andrey Kapaev (SISSA) Scaling limits in isomonodromic systems (part II)
Wed 15 Dec 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Andrey Kapaev (SISSA) Scaling limits in isomonodromic systems
Thu 9 Dec 2010 15:30 Santorio, room 129 Dr. Christoph Stephan () The spectral action for Dirac operators with torsion
Tue 7 Dec 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 129 Dr. Christoph Stephan () Neutrino masses in noncommutative geometry: Seesaw mechanisms and the axioms of NCG
Wed 1 Dec 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Guido Carlet (SISSA) Toda hierarchies and Frobenius manifolds (part III)
Wed 24 Nov 2010 16:00 Santorio, room 134 Prof. () Moduli of sheaves from moduli of Kronecker modules
Abstract. I will explain how to view the construction of moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on a projective variety as a functorial embedding into more basic projective varieties, namely moduli spaces of semistable Kronecker modules. This sheds new light on how to construct `theta functions', i.e. natural projective coordinates on these moduli spaces. This is joint work with Alastair King, published in 2007 and 2009.
Wed 24 Nov 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Guido Carlet (SISSA) Toda hierarchies and Frobenius manifolds (part II)
Tue 23 Nov 2010 17:00 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Cristina Manolache () Stable maps and stable quotients
Wed 17 Nov 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Guido Carlet (SISSA) Toda hierarchies and Frobenius manifolds
Mon 15 Nov 2010 15:00 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Nicola Pagani (KTH, Stockholm) The Inertia stack of moduli of hyperelliptic curves
Abstract. If X is an orbifold, its Inertia is the orbifold that parametrizes couples $(x, g)$ where $x$ is a point of $X$ and $g$ is an automorphism of it. In general the Inertia of $X$ appears as the disjoint union of distinct connected components: one of them is $X$ itself (with the identical automorphism), the other connected components were called twisted sectors by physicists. Determining the Inertia of an orbifold $X$ is important in the study of many aspects of the geometry of $X$. For instance, the cohomology of the Inertia orbifold is the degree $0$ small quantum cohomology of the orbifold, therefore studying the cohomology of the Inertia orbifold is the first step in the study of the Gromov-Witten theory of $X$. In this talk we study the twisted sectors of some moduli spaces of curves focusing in particular on the moduli spaces of smooth hyperelliptic curves $H_g$. We describe the twisted sectors as quotients of moduli spaces of genus $0$, $n$-pointed curves by the action of certain subgroups of the symmetric group $S_n$.
Tue 9 Nov 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 128 Dr. Jan Manschot (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) Sheaves on surfaces and generating functions
Abstract. The talk will discuss the computation of the generating functions of the Betti numbers of the moduli space of stable sheaves of rank 3 on the projective plane P2 and its blow-up. Wall-crossing is used to obtain the Betti numbers on the blow-up. The Betti numbers for P2 follow from those for the blow-up by the blow-up formula. The generating functions are expressed in terms of modular functions and indefinite theta functions.
Wed 27 Oct 2010 16:30 Santorio, room 128 Prof. Mark Malamud (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk (Ucraine)) Spectral theory of Schrodinger operator with $\delta$-interactions
Abstract. We will discuss the properties of the corresponding Hamiltonians to be selfadjoint and semibounded below. A criterion of discretness spectrum of semibounded Hamiltonian will be presented. Continuous spectrum and negative discrete spectrum will be discussed too.

The talk is based on joint works with S. Albeverio and A. Kostenko.
Wed 27 Oct 2010 15:00 Santorio, room 128 Dr. Laure Gouba (National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITheP) Stellenbosch, South Africa) Strings and Minimal areas from position-dependent noncommutativity
Abstract. A new set of noncommutative space-time commutation relations in two space dimensions is introduced. The space-space commutation relations are deformations of the standard flat noncommutative space-time relations taken here to have position dependent structure constants. We compute minimal lengths and momenta arising in this space from generalized versions of Heisenberg's uncertainty relations and find that any object in this two dimensional space is string like. We demonstrate that the position-dependent noncommutativity will give rise to deformed oscillator algebras. In turn starting from some q-deformations of these algebras in a two-dimensional space for which the entire deformed Fock space can be constructed explicitely, we derive the commutation relations for the dynamical variables in noncommutative space-time. We compute minimal areas resulting from these relations. The size of the region we find is determined by the noncommutative constant and the deformation parameter q. Any object in this type of space-time structure has to be of membrane type or in certain limits of string type.
Tue 26 Oct 2010 11:30 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Andrea Solotar (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) Representation theory and homology of Yang-Mills algebras
Abstract. This is a joint work with Estanislao Herscovich.

Yang-Mills algebras have been defined by Alain Connes and Michel Dubois-Violette in connection to some problems arising from string theory and noncommutative quantum field theory.

Although it is possible to describe in a simple way every irreducible finite dimensional representation, the task of characterizing the complete category of representations of a Yang-Mills algebra is rather difficult.

The aim of this talk is threefold.

In the first place, I will recall the general definitions and the main properties of these algebras.

Then, I will focus on exhibiting certain families of representations fine enough to separate elements of the Yang-Mills algebras.

Finally, I shall also present several computations in relation to homological properties for these algebras, in particular, the Hochschild and Cyclic homology.
Thu 30 Sep 2010 15:30 Santorio, room 136 Alessandra Guazzi (SISSA) Cartan subalgebras and conjugacy classes
Abstract. In partial fulfillment of the course of Representation Theory (prof. Reina)
Thu 30 Sep 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Paolo Bailo (SISSA) Levi and Ado's theorems
Abstract. In partial fulfillment of the course of Representation Theory (prof. Reina)
Wed 29 Sep 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Matteo Tommasini (SISSA) Coherent systems and Brill-Noether theory
Tue 28 Sep 2010 11:00 Santorio, room 136 Alessandro Zucca (SISSA) Spin representations of the complex orthogonal algebras
Abstract. In partial fulfillment of the course of Representation Theory (prof. C. Reina)
Wed 15 Sep 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Michele Correggi () The Giant Vortex Transition in a Fast Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate
Abstract. In a recent work in collaboration with N. Rougerie and J. Yngvason, we study the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) energy functional for a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate on a two-dimensional disc. We consider the asymptotic regime $\epsilon\to 0$, where the coupling parameter is $\epsilon^{-2}$ and the angular velocity $\Omega = \Omega_0 \epsilon^{-2}|\log\epsilon|^{-1}$: We prove that if $\Omega_0>(3\pi)^{-1}$, then any minimizer of the GP energy functional has no zeros in an annulus at the boundary of the disc that contains the bulk of the mass and the vorticity resides in a complementary "hole" around the center where the density is vanishingly small. Moreover we investigate the ground state energy asymptotics and the total winding number of any GP minimizer.
Mon 30 Aug 2010 15:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Oliver Fabert (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences) Topological recursion in Symplectic Field Theory
Abstract. Infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with symmetries arise very naturally in the rich algebraic formalism of Symplectic Field Theory (SFT). Besides recovering the integrable systems of rational Gromov-
Witten theory when the underlying manifold is the product of a symplectic manifold with the circle, we further get a Hamiltonian system with symmetries for every contact manifold. In joint work with Paolo Rossi,
we study the algebraic structure of SFT with descendants in order to understand the resulting new Hamiltonian systems. As first results I will discuss how string/dilaton/divisor equations and (genus zero) topological recursion relations translate from Gromov-Witten theory to SFT.
Tue 27 Jul 2010 16:00 Santorio, room 136 Alessandra Guazzi (SISSA) The Lefschetz decomposition
Abstract. In fulfillments for the PhD course "Special metrics on fibre bundles".
Fri 23 Jul 2010 14:00 Santorio, room 136 Pietro Tortella (SISSA) Deformations of algebras and modules II
Thu 22 Jul 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Nicola Pagani (KTH, Stockholm) Nontautological classes on the moduli spaces of curves
Abstract. The cohomology ring of the moduli spaces of curves contains a subring, caled the tautological ring, which enjoys lots of nice proven and conjectured properties that make its description easier than that of the whole cohomology ring. Nevertheless, it seems that most of the cohomology classes on the moduli spaces are nontautological. It is anyway not so immediate to show that nontautological classes do exist. An even more difficult problem is to explicitly exhibit an algebraic class of some moduli space, and prove it is nontautological. In this seminar we will first review the Faber-Pandharipande definition of the tautological ring. We will then review the construction of Graber-Pandharipande of algebraic nontautological classes, which rely in part on a previous result of Pikaart, and on a classical construction of odd cohomology class of degree 11 on $\bar{M}_{1,11}$. If there is time we will discuss possible future developments in the final part of the talk.
Thu 22 Jul 2010 11:00 Santorio, room 136 Alessandro Zucca (SISSA) Classification of equivariant spin structures on the noncommutative n-torus
Tue 13 Jul 2010 14:00 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Elena Andreini (SISSA) On "Localization of virtual classes"
Mon 12 Jul 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Antonella Marini () Multiple solutions for Yang-Mills connections in four dimensions
Tue 6 Jul 2010 14:00 Santorio, room 136 Matteo Tommasini (SISSA) K-theory and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem (II)
Tue 6 Jul 2010 12:00 Santorio, room 136 Alessio Lo Giudice (SISSA) Dynkin diagrams
Abstract. Seminar/exam (prof. Reina's course "Superior algebra").
Mon 5 Jul 2010 15:00 Santorio, room 136 Matteo Tommasini (SISSA) K-theory and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem (I)
Abstract. We will review the classical notion of index for (pseudo-)differential operators. Then we will follow the proof by Atiyah and Singer that this analytical index can be completely computed using topological notions.
Fri 2 Jul 2010 15:15 Santorio, room 136 Pietro Tortella (SISSA) Deformation of algebras and modules
Fri 2 Jul 2010 14:00 Santorio, room 136 Flavia Poma (SISSA) Stable maps and Gromov-Witten invariants
Thu 1 Jul 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. Oleksandr Iena (SISSA) Modification of the Simpson moduli space $M_{3m+1}(P_2)$ by vector bundles
Wed 30 Jun 2010 15:15 Santorio, room 134 Stefano Maggiolo (SISSA) Compactifying the moduli space of surfaces
Wed 30 Jun 2010 14:00 Santorio, room 134 Dr. Elena Andreini (SISSA) Gromov-Witten invariants on gerbes
Tue 29 Jun 2010 16:00 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Ettore Aldrovandi (Florida State University, Tallahassee) Stacks and non-abelian cohomology
Abstract. Morphisms of gr-stacks (stacks with a group law) can be encoded by certain diagrams of group objects called butterflies. They compute the derived mapping space between two complexes (of length 2) of non-necessarily abelian group. In the abelian case, this is Deligne's old result characterizing the derived category in terms of morphisms of Picard stacks.

After describing the general theory, we describe two applications to non-abelian cohomology: (1) the long exact sequence arising from a given appropriately defined short exact sequence of gr-stacks; and (2) the change of coefficient map arising from a given morphism of gr-stacks. We will point out how these constructions differ from (and reduce to) the standard ones in homological algebra.

Time permitting, I will sketch how these ideas generalize to higher stacks.
Tue 29 Jun 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Svetlana Terzic (University of Montenegro) On complex cobordisms of homogeneous spaces (II)
Abstract. Our aim is to present the results obtained in the joint work with Victor M. Buchstaber which are related to the effective computation of the universal toric genus as well as the complex cobordism classes of compact homogeneous spaces G/H. We assume that G is a compact connected Lie group, H its connected closed subgroup of maximal rank and that G/H is endowed with an invariant almost complex structure.

In the first lecture we start by reviewing the basic definitions and classical results in (complex) cobordism theory. We also recall the notion of the universal toric genus of the stable complex manifold with the given equivariant torus action. In that context we intend to present the results due to V. Buchstaber and N. Ray on its localization in terms of weights and signs at the fixed points for the given torus action using the formal group law in cobordisms.

In the second lecture we will focus on our results on homogeneous spaces. Due to Borel and Hirzebruch there is an effective description of invariant (almost) complex structures on homogeneous spaces in terms of root theory. Appealing on this, we describe the weights and signs for the canonical action of the maximal torus T on G/H related to such structures. By the localization results we consequently obtain an explicit formulas for the universal toric genus and the cobor-
dism classes of such structures. The formulas are expressed in terms of coefficients of the formal group law in cobordisms, as well as in terms of Chern numbers in cohomology appealing to the Chern-Dold character theory. These computations require no information on the cohomology ring of the manifold G/H, but, on their own, give important relations in this ring. As an application we provide an explicit formulas for the cobordism classes and characteristic numbers of the flag manifolds U(n)/T^n.
Tue 29 Jun 2010 12:00 Santorio, room 136 Alex Massarenti (SISSA) Local Systems, representations of the fundamental group and flat connections
Fri 25 Jun 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Svetlana Terzic (University of Montenegro) On complex cobordisms of homogeneous spaces (I)
Abstract. Our aim is to present the results obtained in the joint work with Victor M. Buchstaber which are related to the effective computation of the universal toric genus as well as the complex cobordism classes of compact homogeneous spaces G/H. We assume that G is a compact connected Lie group, H its connected closed subgroup of maximal rank and that G/H is endowed with an invariant almost complex structure.

In the first lecture we start by reviewing the basic definitions and classical results in (complex) cobordism theory. We also recall the notion of the universal toric genus of the stable complex manifold with the given equivariant torus action. In that context we intend to present the results due to V. Buchstaber and N. Ray on its localization in terms of weights and signs at the fixed points for the given torus action using the formal group law in cobordisms.

In the second lecture we will focus on our results on homogeneous spaces. Due to Borel and Hirzebruch there is an effective description of invariant (almost) complex structures on homogeneous spaces in terms of root theory. Appealing on this, we describe the weights and signs for the canonical action of the maximal torus T on G/H related to such structures. By the localization results we consequently obtain an explicit formulas for the universal toric genus and the cobordism classes of such structures. The formulas are expressed in terms of coefficients of the formal
group law in cobordisms, as well as in terms of Chern numbers in cohomology appealing to the Chern-Dold character theory. These computations require no information on the cohomology ring of the manifold G/H, but, on their own, give important relations in this ring. As an application we provide an explicit formulas for the cobordism classes and characteristic numbers of the flag manifolds U(n)/T^n.
Thu 24 Jun 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Alexander Kuznetsov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow) Exceptional Collections on Homogeneous Varieties
Abstract. I will discuss a new approach to the construction
of exceptional collections on homogeneous varieties. This is work in progress joint with Alexander Polishchuk.
Thu 24 Jun 2010 10:00 Santorio, room 136 A. Pustetto and A. Lo Giudice (SISSA) Moduli space of principal G-bundles on compact Riemann surfaces
Abstract. Two talks in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the PhD course "Sheaf Theory and Metrics on Fiber Bundles".
Tue 22 Jun 2010 16:30 Santorio, room 136 Dr. A. V. Kiselev (Mathematical Institute, Utrecht) Variational Lie algebroids
Abstract. The Lie algebroids over smooth manifolds are a convenient and important construction in geometry, e.g., in Poisson dynamics. We define the variational Lie algebroids over the infinite jet spaces of mappings between smooth manifolds (e.g., from strings to space-time) and give model examples of this construction. We expect it to be relevant in the description of the short-range fundamental interactions of elementary particles. [This is a joint talk with J.W.van de Leur (Utrecht).]
Fri 18 Jun 2010 11:00 Santorio, room 134 Prof. Marco Bertola (Concordia University, Montreal) Peregrine breather and P1 near the gradient catastrophe of NLS
Fri 11 Jun 2010 14:00 Santorio, room 136 Alex Massarenti (SISSA) Moduli of curves
Fri 4 Jun 2010 11:00 Santorio, room 136 Stefano Romano (SISSA) Hodge theory on compact Kahler manifolds
Tue 1 Jun 2010 11:30 Santorio, room 136 Paolo Bailo (SISSA) Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution for finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebras
Wed 26 May 2010 15:30 Santorio, room 004 Alessandra Guazzi (SISSA) Simple homotopy classification of quaternionic spaces
Wed 26 May 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 004 Matteo Tommasini (SISSA) Simple homotopy classification of lens spaces
Thu 20 May 2010 11:00 Santorio, room 136 Andrea Pustetto (SISSA) Friedrichs extension and modular operator
Thu 13 May 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 005 Prof. Mauro Spreafico () The analytic torsion of a cone
Thu 13 May 2010 11:30 Santorio, room 004 Alessio Lo Giudice Bruhat decomposition for reductive groups
Wed 12 May 2010 14:15 Santorio, room 136 Prof. Sachindeo Vaidya (University of Bangalore) Quantum Field Theory of an Accelerated Observer in Moyal Spacetime
Thu 6 May 2010 14:30 Santorio, room 134 Prof. Alexander Tikhomirov (Pedagogical University of Yaroslavl) Irreducibility of the moduli space of mathematical instantons II
Thu 29 Apr 2010 14:30 MB, room C Prof. Alexander Tikhomirov (Pedagogical University of Yaroslavl) Irreducibility of the moduli space of mathematical instantons I
Wed 28 Apr 2010 14:00 MB, room C Alex Massarenti (SISSA) Varieties of Sums of Powers
Abstract. Let F be a general homogeneous polynomial of degree d. We are looking for additive decomposition of F in sums of power of linear forms. The problem is very classical, the first results are due to Sylvester and then to Hilbert, Richmond, Palatini, and many others. In the old times the attention was essentially devoted to study the cases in which the above decomposition is unique. This gives a canonical form to general homogeneous polynomials of a particular degree and number of variables. As widely expected the uniqueness result is true only in very special cases. In the remaining cases one should try to understand the set of decomposition of a given general polynomial. A compactification of this is usually called the Variety of Power Sums (VSP for short).

The interest in these special varieties increased greatly after Mukai gave a description of the Fano 3-fold as VSP of quartic polynomials in three variables. Our aim is to study the biregular geometry of these varieties in some special cases and the birational geometry in a more general setting.
Mon 19 Apr 2010 14:30 MB, room D Prof. Gaetan Borot Construction of integrable systems from algebraic geometry
Wed 14 Apr 2010 14:30 MB, room C Dr. Yassir Dinar (ICTP) Algebraic Frobenius manifolds from subregular classical W-algebras
Mon 12 Apr 2010 14:30 MB, room D Pietro Giavedoni (SISSA) Small Dispersion Limit for KdV Equation
Tue 30 Mar 2010 16:00 MB, room C Dr. Yassir Dinar (ICTP) Algebraic Frobenius manifolds from subregular classical W-algebras
Abstract. We construct nontrivial algebraic Frobenius manifolds from classical W-algebras associated to the subregular nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebras of type $D_r$, $r$ is even. These manifolds are hypersurfaces in the total space of semiuniversal deformation of the simple singularity $D_r$. The construction supports a Dubrovin conjecture about the classification of algebraic Frobenius manifolds.
Mon 22 Mar 2010 14:30 MB, room C Stefano Romano (SISSA) Frobenius structures on Hurwitz spaces and Whitham equations
Fri 19 Mar 2010 12:00 MB, room G Prof. Massimiliano Mella () On fiber type morphisms of $\overline{M}_{0,n}$
Abstract. The geometry of $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ is frequently controlled by combinatorial arguments. In this talk I will try to show a different approach, naturally inherited by Kapranov's beautiful construction of this moduli space as blow up of the projective space.

The main question I will confront with is the following: Is any fiber type morphism from $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ factored via a forgetful map ?

Using projective techniques partial interesting answer will be proposed.
Fri 19 Mar 2010 11:00 MB, room C Prof. Tamara Grava (SISSA) Deift-Zhou method of steepest descent
Thu 18 Mar 2010 14:30 MB, room D Prof. Bernardo Uribe () Symmetries of Exact Courant Algebroids
Abstract. I will present the different descriptions used to understand an exact Courant algebroid, and I will explain how the derivations of an exact Courant algebroid become a dgla whose "derived" bracket recovers the Courant bracket. I will finish by stating some results relating the symmetries with twisted equivariant cohomology.
Wed 17 Mar 2010 14:30 MB, room D Prof. V. Dragovic (Belgrade) Kowalevski top, Darboux coordinates and discriminant separability
Wed 17 Mar 2010 11:00 MB, room C Prof. Dorothea Bahns (University of Goettingen) The Shuffle Algebra and String Quantization in d dimensions
Abstract. I will review a purely algebraic approach to the quantization of strings, e.g. minimal surfaces, based on the deformation of a certain Poisson algebra. The elements of this algebra are invariant under changes of the string's parametrization and the formalism is consistent in any dimension of the embedding space. This is in contrast to the ordinary approach to string quantization which is based on methods from conformal field theory and requires fixing the dimension to a critical value (26 in the model discussed in the talk).
Mon 15 Mar 2010 15:00 MB, room D Prof. Tamara Grava (SISSA) Steepest descent analysis for Riemann-Hilbert Problems
Thu 11 Mar 2010 13:30 MB, room C A. Guazzi and M. Tommasini (SISSA) Some basic concepts of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
Abstract. This is a reading seminar about the paper

J.E. Roberts, G. Roepstorff, "Some Basic Concepts of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory", Commun. Math. Phys. 11, 321-338 (1968).

Concepts from the theory of C*-algebras are applied to relativistic quantum field theory; in particular, to the structure of superselection sectors.

This will be in fulfilment of the requirements for the course "Introduction to C*-algebras".
Tue 9 Mar 2010 11:00 MB, room C Dr. Jyotishman Bhowmick (ICTP) Quantum isometry groups II
Mon 8 Mar 2010 14:30 MB, room D Prof. Tamara Grava (SISSA) Deift-Zhou method of steepest descent (2nd part)
Abstract. no abstract available.
Fri 5 Mar 2010 11:00 MB, room C Dr. Jyotishman Bhowmick (ICTP) Quantum isometry groups
Thu 4 Mar 2010 16:00 MB, room D Prof. Julius L. Shaneson (University of Pennsylvania) Invariants of manifolds and stratified spaces
Abstract. A basic problem in geometric topology is to try to classify spaces - manifolds, varieties, stratified spaces - by computing suitable invariants, especially characteristic classes. A basic problem in combinatorics/analysis/number theory is to sum functions over integral lattice points in a region. This talk concerns the first problem and how the study of the relevant invariants for toric varieties provides one approach to the second problem.
Thu 4 Mar 2010 14:30 MB, room D Prof. Antonella Grassi (University of Pennsylvania) Toric Weierstrass models
Abstract. We define a "natural" toric Weierstrass model for an elliptic variety X which is a hypersurface in a Fano toric variety and discuss some properties.
Thu 25 Feb 2010 11:00 MB, room C Dr. Simon Brain () The 3D Spin Geometry of the Quantum Two-Sphere
Wed 24 Feb 2010 16:00 MB, room C Paolo Bailo (SISSA)
Wed 17 Feb 2010 14:00 MB, room C Dr. Igor Mencattini (SISSA) Seminar series: nilpotent orbits in semisimple Lie algebras
Mon 15 Feb 2010 14:30 MB, room D Prof. Tamara Grava (SISSA) Deift-Zhou method of steepest descent
Abstract. no abstract available
Fri 12 Feb 2010 14:30 MB, room D Dr. Andrea Raimondo (SISSA) Multiphase averaging for the Korteweg-de Vries Equation
Abstract. no abstract available
Wed 10 Feb 2010 15:30 MB, room C Prof. Ian D. Marshall (Loughborough University) Poisson structure associated to differential and difference operators with the Toda lattice and KdV as examples
Abstract. I will describe a Poisson structure on the space of curves in R^n from which a series of Poisson structures on several associated spaces may be obtained by Poisson symmetry arguments. Amongst these spaces one may find differential operators and difference operators and their respective reductions. Most of the talk will involve the concrete cases n=2,3, for which the natural examples are the KdV and the Toda lattice. The construction is a simple application of the theory of Poisson Lie groups and it is intended that it will serve as an illustration of that subject, accessible to non-specialists.
Thu 4 Feb 2010 11:00 MB, room C Alessandro Zucca (SISSA) Reading Seminar on Covariance Algebras (Crossed Products)
Wed 3 Feb 2010 14:30 MB, room D Dr. Antonio Moro (SISSA) Modulation equations for quasiperiodic solutions of KdV
Abstract. no abstract available
Wed 27 Jan 2010 14:30 MB, room D Dr. Andrea Raimondo (SISSA) Integrability of systems of hydrodynamic type
Thu 21 Jan 2010 16:30 MB, room C Alex Massarenti (SISSA) The Kodaira embedding theorem
Wed 20 Jan 2010 14:30 MB, room D Dr. Antonio Moro (SISSA) Whitham averaging method (continued)
Wed 13 Jan 2010 14:30 MB, room D Dr. Antonio Moro (SISSA) Whitham averaging method