water sunshine SISSA

Weather and other relevant informations

As of now (Saturday morning) Trieste is unaffected by the snow storms which are reported in the rest of Italy. There still is a very strong cold wind: the traditional "Bora", not a surprise in this period so do not forget hat and gloves. According to local short term weather forecasts, no snow storms are expected in the weekend. See OSMER: Trieste is in the lower-right part of the map; additional details in the coastal forecast (bottom links).

The Trieste airport is fully operational, as well as the Airports of Venezia and Treviso (often called Venezia by some low cost operators). Check flights all over the world.

Trains in the North East of Italy also are running regular. See the page dedicated to the emergency of the Italian railway company

This page will not be updated until Monday; the mantainer of the website is leaving to Austria for a Skialp weekend!

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Gherardo Piacitelli©2011 (Credits)