Preprints 1997
  1. C.K. Au, Chi-Keung Chow, C.S. Chu
    Comment on ``A new efficient method for calculating perturbative energies using functions which are not square integrable'': regularization and justification
    Preprint SISSA 15/97/FM,quant-ph/9702004,
    J. Phys. A30 4133 (1997).
  2. G.Falqui, C.Reina, A.Zampa
    Krichever maps, Faà di Bruno polynomials, and cohomology in KP theory
    Preprint SISSA 37/97/FM, solv-int/9704010,
    Lett. Math. Phys. 42, 349-361, (1997).
  3. T. Grava,
    Bifurcation diagram of a one-parameter family of one-dimensional nonlinear dispersive waves
    Preprint SISSA 42-97/FM, solv-int/9707011.
  4. L. Dabrowski, P.M. Hajac and P. Siniscalco
    Explicit Hopf-Galois Description of $SL(e $(2\pi/3 (2))$-Induced Frobenius Homomorphisms preprint DAMTP-97-93, SISSA 43/97/FM, q-alg/9708031
  5. C.S. Chu,
    Super-Virasoro contraint and superloop equations of matrix model
    Preprint SISSA 49/97/FM.
  6. N. Chair,
    Grassmanian cohomology ring and fusion ring from algebraic equations.
    Preprint SISSA 53/97/FM.
  7. C Bartocci, U. Bruzzo, D Hernandez Ruiperez and J.M. Muñoz Porras,
    Mirror symmetry on K3 surfaces via Fourier-Mukai transform.
    Preprint SISSA 61/97/fm/geo, alg-geom/9704023,
    Commun. Math. Phys., in press
  8. L. Bonora, C.S. Chu
    On the String Interpretation of M(atrix) Theory
    Preprint SISSA 68/97/EP, hep-th/9705137
    Phys. Lett. B. 410 (1997) 142.
  9. P. Casati, G. Falqui, F. Magri, M. Pedroni.
    Bihamiltonian Reductions and W-Algebras
    Preprint SISSA 72/97/FM, Jour. Geom. Phys. (1998), in press.
  10. L. Sbano,
    The topology of reduced three-body problem and the existence of periodic orbits
    Preprint SISSA 76/97/FM.
  11. G. Falqui, F. Magri, M. Pedroni.
    Bihamiltonian Geometry, Darboux Coverings, and Linearization of the KP hierarchy
    Preprint SISSA 82/97/FM, Commun. Math. Phys. (1998), in press.
  12. A. Liguori, M. Mintchev,
    Quantum Field Theory, Bosonization and Duality on the Half Line.
    preprint SISSA 84/97/FM, hep-th 9710092.
  13. B. Visintin
    Caratheodory balls and norm balls in a class of convex bounded Reinhardt domains
    Preprint SISSA 119/97/GEO
  14. D. Gabrielli
    Polymeric Phase of Simplicial Quantum Gravity.
    Preprint 127/97/FM, hep-lat 9710055, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
  15. C.S. Chu, E. Sezgin
    M-Fivebrane from the Open Supermembrane
    Preprint SISSA 128/97/FM, CTP TAMU-39/97, hep-th/9710223.
  16. L. Bonora, C.S. Chu, M. Rinaldi
    `Perturbative Anomalies of the M-5-Brane
    Preprint SISSA 130/97/EP/FM, hep-th/9710063.
    to appear in JHEP.
  17. B. Dubrovin, M. Mazzocco,
    Monodromy of certain Painlevé VI trascendents and reflection groups
    Preprint SISSA 149/97/FM.
  18. B. Dubrovin and Y. Zhang
    Bihamiltonian Hierarchies in 2D Topological Field Theory at One-Loop Approximation
    Preprint SISSA 152/97/FM