Armen Shirikyan

Mathematical  hydrodynamics

1 & 2.  2D and 3D Navier-Stokes (NS) equations
      Leray theory: weak and strong solutions for 3D NS, 
       weak-strong uniqueness, local in time theory, 2D NS
3. Euler equation in 2D
       Strong solutions and the Wolibner theorem, 
        weak solutions and the Yudovich theorem
4. Euler equation in 3D and the inviscous limit
5 & 6. Around the Onsager conjecture
      The conjecture, the work of Duchon-Robert, 
       weak solutions of Euler equation of non-constantenergy.
7. Appendix (if time permits): the great open problems of mathematical

PREREQUISITES: weak and strong solutions of nonlinear PDE, Sobolev spaces and the embedding theorems. The knowledge of these topics is sufficient (say) if it allows to read first sections of Chapter 1 of the book   J-L Lions "Quelques methodes de resolution des problems aux limites non lineares".