Mikhail Zhitomirskii

Singularities of vector distributions and foliations

1. Equations A(x,y)dx+B(x,y)dy=0 as a starting point for several modern math topics. 
2. Vector fields and differential forms on the plane. Phase portraits. Integrability. Center-focus problem and other open problems.
3. Foliations. Frobenius theorem. Malgrange theorem (Frobenius through singularities) and Kupka phenomenon. Other results and open problems on singular foliations.
4. Generic vector distributions. Non-holonomic dynamical systems. Darboux theorem. Engel theorem.
5. Singularities of distributions. Contact geometry.
Darboux-Givental' theorem. Geometric point of view on PDE's. Recent works by V. Arnol'd on local contact algebra.
6. Cartan's prolongation. Cartan-Goursat flags and curves in contact space.
7. Control systems - invariant point of view. Darboux and Martinet theorems in terms of control theory.
8. Basic methods and techniques.