PhD & Post-Doc Openings in Systems Biology at SISSA

PhD positions

We are seeking qualified PhD candidates in the field of Systems Biology. This is an interdisciplinary research initiative involving Biologists, Bioinformaticians, Engineers and Mathematicians consisting mainly in developing computational techniques for data analysis and dynamical modeling for biological systems. Typical tasks could be the analysis of "gene regulatory networks", providing a "system level" description of the functioning of the cell from DNA microarray experiments, or the mathematical modeling of a specific metabolic/signaling pathway using nonlinear ODEs. See our research page for a description of the current research topics.

The ideal candidate will have a curriculum in Engineering/Physics/Bioinformatics. While a background in Biology is not strictly necessary, willingness to acquire an interdisciplinary scientific profile is required. The successful candidate will be enrolled in SISSA's PhD program in Structural and Functional Genomics.

For information contact Claudio Altafini ( More details on the admission procedure on the SISSA official PhD announcement page.

Post-doc position

There is currently an open post-doctoral position within a EU-project entitled "Single Molecule Activation and Computing". The aim of the project is to study the role of molecular diffusion and noise in several types of biological processes and systems. For example we will investigate how in vertebrate phototransduction the activation of a single molecule of rodopsin can trigger the excitation of up to 10^3 G-proteins in less than a second. This will require to develop suitable mathematical models and computational tools. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Systems Biology, Biophysics or a closely related field. The position will be available at the begin of 2011. Duration is 2-3 years.
Candidates with a PhD in Bioinformatics, Systems Biology or a related field are invited to contact Claudio Altafini ( for more details.

Posted: November, 2010.