Claudio Altafini

   Research Description

Systems Biology

Systems Biology aims at providing the mathematical tools necessary to turn the wealth of experimental data that the field of Biology is nowadays producing into models of descriptive nature and predictive power. More details on this line of research is available in the Systems Biology group web-page

Control problems for quantum mechanical systems

Consider a closed quantum mechanical system and assume that a "forcing" field can be pointed exactly at it; this could be for example a laser of suitably high frequency. The resulting system is described by a Hamiltonian composed of two parts, the free part and the interaction part, that obey to a time-dependent Shroedinger equation. If we work with the approximation of a finite number N of energy levels for our system, then the time evolution operator of the wavefunction is a unitary operator leaving on the Lie group SU(N) and in control terms it can be interpreted as a right invariant control system on a matrix Lie group with a drift vector field and an input vector field. Thus achieving desired target states for the wavefunction can be studied as a reachability problem and producing the laser pulse sequence that steers the quantum state to the target can be seen as a constructive controllablity problem.

    Closed systems are almost always controllable

    As soon as the energy levels of a quantum mechanical system are all different and not equispaced, the system is controllable. This is shown here using the root space decomposition of a compact semisimple Lie algebra.

    Open systems are never controllable

    A system is open if it interacts with the environment (as one may expect,the "closed" systems mentioned above are not "open" i.e., they have no exchange with the bath). Normally an open system is modeled as a Markovian semigroup through the so-called Lindblad (or Gorini-Kossakovski-Sudarshan) operator. It can be shown (see this paper) that this dissipation implies a lack of small-time controllability for any type of unitary control. Thus the control cannot locally modify the irreversible character of the system.

Motion planning and invariance by symmetry on Lie groups

Most autonomous vehicles have as configuration space the Special Euclidean group SE(3) or one of its subgroups. SE(3) is the Lie group of rotations and translations in three dimensional space. Planning a trajectory in SE(3) can be done for example via the Wei-Norman formula or solving an optimal control problem. In order to simplify the task, the attempt is to combine the trajectory generation with the natural reduction that derives from the use of left/right invariant representations on the group.

Reachability analysis for switching systems

The accessibility problem for a switching system i.e., a family of plants together with a logic that allows to choose uniquely one single mode at each time is studied. When the plants are linear and the logic is controllable a switching system resembles a classical bilinear system. However, the reachable set is in general only a semigroup (i.e. the system "drifts") even when the system is driftless.


Most of this work dates to my PhD years that I spent at KTH, working in the Division of Division of Optimization and Systems Theory.

Kinematic wheeled robots

The typical configuration is a car-like vehicle pulling a generic number of trailers. The toy truck and trailer shown in the picture is at the Automatic Control Group of the S3 Department, at KTH and was used as test-bed of the algorithms.

    Switching controllers for backward driving

    When driving backward, the different bodies of the vehicle in the picture tend to collide with each other in what is normally called a jack-knife type of saturation. From a control theory point of view, the system is an unstable nonlinear systems with state and input saturations. If for example we try to reverse along a straight line, a locally stabilizing controller is not sufficient to guarantee convergence from all initial conditions because of the saturations. The scheme we implemented is based on a switching controller that whenever the vehicle tends to a jack-knife configuration it reallignes the multibody by driving forward until the state enters into the region of attraction of the backward controller. Complete state information allows to represent this as an extra logic feedback loop around the local controllers for backward and forward motion. The work is described here and a few videos of the experiments are available at the project web-page .

    Path following with reduced off-tracking

    For this kind of system, the notion of off-tracking distance from a given path has been introduced: it corresponds to consider the distance of the whole vehicle from the path and it leads to the definition of an alternative path tracking criterion aiming at minimizing the clearance needed around a desired trajectory in order for the same to be physically feasible and compatible with the nonholonomic constraints of the vehicle. Asymptotic stability can be proved also for paths of varying curvature, treating it as a nonlinear output regulation problem.

    The general n-trailer

    A generalization of the n-trailer configuration, in order to admit more realistic off-axle hitching between trailers, has been investigated: properties like controllability, singularity locus and existence of canonical forms have been characterized.

Mobile manipulation

Manipulation as is normally considered is static i.e. the robot arm is rigidly mounted on a fixed platform. Obviously, this implies a limitation in the range of action of the arm. To improve the potentiality of a robotic manipulator it is natural then to provide the arm of an actuated mobile base. In this way, the accessible workspace of a mobile manipulator is increased at will. Manipulation is a crucial part of the Intelligent Service Robot (ISR) project of the Center for Autonomous Systems at KTH. Clearly, the effective integration of manipulation and motion can increase the range of applications of the robot, not only its efficiency. Basic research topics for the system include motion planning and trajectory tracking. Since the overall system has more independent actuators than degrees of freedom of the end-effector, the problem of constructively use the internal configuration redundancy is also relevant, in order to avoid singularities and to plan efficient working strategies.

    Trajectory generation for robotic chains

    Motion planning techniques for the coordinate motion are needed: for example a theoretical investigation of the possibility of extending the inverse kinematic algorithms of static manipulators to our more general case is desirable in order to generate open-loop control laws for the system. The motion of the end effector of our system can be viewed as a rigid body transformation in the Special Euclidean Group SE(3). The total motion of the end-effector can then be decomposed into the product of simpler transformations in subgroups of SE(3) each of them representing the evolution of a link or a joint of our mobile manipulator. An advantage of this theoretical framework is that it allows to treat in the same way simple rotations of one-degree of freedom joints, as those of the arm, as well as more complicated motions like the movement in the plane of the mobile base.

    A software library for motion plannig of mobile manipulators

    Splines on SE(3)

    For motion planning purposes, smooth trajectories are needed in order to describe the rototranslations of the end-effector in 3D space. The idea is to extend the De Casteljau construction of a smooth curve from boundary data to SE(3). Such an algortihm needs the notion of straight line, i.e. geodesics which is not a univoque concept on SE(3). See also the animations for a comparison of the two most common metric structures on SE(3).

Last updated: May 13th, 2005.